Saturday 6 August 2022

107 xenoblade - gathering gorman's rock

Dear Readers,

We went to Spiral Valley to find Gorman's rock, but first we had to find the spot where he cleared the way with dynamite so we could get past the huge enemy.

We had to go through Windy valley to reach the bottom of the spiral. We could've just dropped down there I suppose. It would've saved me from being killed by high level Arachnos at least.

We did find the passage that Gorman created and we managed to sneak past the huge baddie to keep climbing the spiral to the top. We then found Gorman's special blessed rock thing. We brought it back to him and he was delighted and the people found that the land was blessed. Hopefully things will keep going well.

Gorman then talked about how he was living with Arda again, even though they divorced previously.

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