Sunday 14 August 2022

115 xenoblade - discussing the shimmering swamp with dunban

Dear Readers,

Not much else to do but proceed to Satori Marsh.

We discovered the Basin Cave west of the place of offering. In there we found the White Radiant.

At Zaldania Waterfall, we beat up the big enemy that defeated us last time we were there. We could now access the Heart-to-heart without getting killed. This was between me and Dunban and it was for nighttime.

Hooray! The first heart-to-heart in ages! I set the time to night and had a look.

Dunban and I talked about how beautiful this place was and how it shimmered at night. He had never been here before. I told him I had seen this when I was very little.

He had the choice to say whether it was maybe a dream or that it was interesting. I chose the interesting one for him and it was the right answer. I said it was at the ruins where I and the Monado were found. The same shimmering effect happens there at night from glowing ether.

I said I didn't remember much else from back then because I lost consciousness.

Dunban said ether was an incredible thing. He had the choice to ask if it would ever run out or say it couldn't be good for us. I chose for him to ask if it would ever run out and that was the right answer too. I said that was a great question and wondered that myself. He said great minds thought alike. He asked me what I thought.

I said I couldn't draw any firm conclusions but I knew ether wasn't unlimited and supposed it wouldn't last forever. Dunban said we probably didn't have to worry about it in our lifetime. I agreed but also said we should still try to find another energy source as we couldn't rely on ether being there all the time.

Dunban said it will be a shame when the natural beauty goes. I agreed, whether it'll be in a hundred or a thousand years.

This Heart-to-heart went so smoothly I got the Heartwarming achievement. Woohoo!

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