Wednesday 10 August 2022

111 xenoblade - a job for jackson

Dear Readers,

We caught up with Jackson in Colony 9. He was in his usual tucked out of the way place. He had a quest for us.

He said his daughter told him he wouldn't have much of a future if he stayed staring at the sky all day. He didn't know what to do though and said he wasn't good for anything else. He asked us to find a job for him and we agreed to. He was happy and very willing. He added that he used to want to be a cook or an artist, but ended up being a sky observer.

Kenny Rohan was only too happy to help us. In return he asked us to exterminate the Tephra Lizards at Vilia Lake in Tephra Cave. He added context by saying it would clear a path for Jackson for when he wants to see more of the sky in the future. We can only see so much of it in Colony 9. 

The lizards were only LV8 so we beat them very quickly. Kenny Rohan agreed to take Jackson under his wing and make him into the best "sky artist". He asked us to tell him that and that his heart was boundless like the very sky itself.

Jackson was delighted to turn his hobby into his job and he was now going to be painting the sky for Kenny Rohan. Hooray! I'm glad he's not going to end up being miserable or as a slave.

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