Monday 22 August 2022

123 xenoblade - meeting the nopon at frontier village

Dear Readers,

We arrived at the Nopon village called Frontier Village. They welcomed us with open arms.

They gathered around us and chattered with their funny cute voices and speech patterns. Cute little plushie fellows... it was pretty entertaining to hear their voiced dialogue at last.

Melia asked to speak with the leader, Dunga and they were happy to help. They knew her already and called her "bird lady". She said she wanted us to have safe passage to where we were going and she herself had unfinished business in this region.

We wondered what was going on with Melia as she went on ahead. I said I'd talk to her.

We found ourselves at the Central Plaza at the Sacred Altar. At a glance I saw a Nopon who already had a quest for us. I opened the map and saw this place was made up of many many floors! Up to 8F and down to B1F! This village was all part of a massive tree so that made sense. It also explains how they could be safe from those huge monsters outside.

That Nopon with the quest wanted us to beat up 3 of those scary looking Terra Orlugas as revenge for stepping on him. Great... just great. We accepted the quest. He warned us about the sharp spikes on their arms. He also wanted revenge on 2 Ammos Orlugas for throwing him off their backs. Yeesh. We accepted anyway. He wanted us to tell him how cute he was. Cute on the outside certainly but... He also wanted revenge on 3 Arena Orlugas for squirting ink at him when he tried to draw nice things on their skin.

Whew... I'm going to need a fresh start of a day to mingle with these guys. Before I saved I spoke with the chief, Dunga, who was in the middle of the sacred altar with a glowing orb thingy floating above the water. He said Melia went to the diving board up the top and had a very strong look of determination on her face. We'll catch up with her soon.

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