Tuesday 9 August 2022

110 xenoblade - bringing the lake light back for the people

Dear Readers,

Kenny Rohan had another mission for us about the light. He was interested in fixing this light in the lake for the pleasure of the people who found comfort in its glow.

He gave us a quest to decide if we wanted to mend the lamp or throw his ether cylinder in the lake. The idea was that this light was bringing comfort to people during these tough times and he told us to decide whether to bring back the light or not.

He said if we wanted to do nothing, then we were to throw the ether cylinder he gave us off the bridge. If we wanted to do something, then we were to go see Arnaut and ask him how to fix it.

It was one of those decision missions. I thought it'd be nice to fix it, so we went to find Arnaut at the entrance of the military district at night. He said we needed an Ether Cylinder and two Krabble Fixed Parts from Junk Krabbles in the Ether Mine.

We warped all the way there and it took ages to make the Junk Krabbles drop what we wanted. There were only a few of them there too in that little maze of caves so we had to warp to the Drainage Control Room to respawn them again and again.

We eventually got what we needed, so we warped back to Colony 9. Arnaut did the job, which gave him food for thought. Then we went back to Kenny Rohan to tell him. He was happy we made that decision and told us at the very least it wasn't incorrect. People needed this mysterious light to get through these tough times.

I went to see the light and it was nice. It was really nice to speak to the people who gather to look at it too. They said it soothes their emotional pain and the Nopon even said it was the spirit of his girlfriend. Aw... what a nice thing...

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