Sunday 7 August 2022

108 xenoblade - finishing daza's quests

Dear Readers,

It finally started thundering and raining in Colony 6, which made Water Upas appear, which meant we could finish Daza's quest. It was easy.

He had another one for us. He wanted to send a letter to Gerugu on Bionis' Leg and he trusted us more than anyone in the whole wide world. Aw that's nice. We accepted the quest.

We brought the letter to Gerugu at the Traveller's Rest, who responded with a letter of his own for us to deliver back to Daza. They both said this correspondence was top secret and vital, so we did it as fast as we could without any security break.

We brought the reply letter to Daza who thanked us. He revealed little, except the fact that they were investigating something red. Not sure what that is, but their affinity on the chart came up as companions.

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