Sunday 28 August 2022

129 xenoblade - chatting with nopon around tree trunk at night

Dear Readers,

We chatted with more Nopon around the tree trunk and reservoir, but at night.

Adidi came up as "Madly in love" but wasn't interested in bugs.

There was a dad and an energetic child who liked asking lots of questions. Bless.

A Nopon had a bad dream about seeing Itmos Upas and wet the bed. We agreed to bash 3 of them for him. He had another bad dream about Wahpol Sardi so we agreed to bash 2 of them for him. To add to this, he dreamed about Venaes Nebula, so we agreed to bash that for him too.

Another Nopon was friends with a big Laeklit and said it was scared because of us. Aw. It was scary looking itself though.

Ababa said he loved bugs and we asked him if he'd be friends with Deki, but he said Deki was too stubborn. He came up as "bug-eating soldier" and said he'd be friends with Deki if we brought him a shield bug. He said he wanted to use the bug as an excuse to talk to Deki. We had to find 3 Shield Bugs for this in Makna Forest somewhere.

Deki really was a loner as we saw him go into his house at the far south east corner of this area. Poor guy. I'd like to make this friendship happen. Also must remember that this area can only be accessed if we climb a bit of the tree trunk first. One of the roots is too big and kind of walls off the area. It's very secluded.

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