Tuesday 23 August 2022

124 xenoblade - mingling with daytime nopon in central plaza

Dear Readers,

We walked around Frontier Village, chatting with the Nopon.

One of them mentioned a Heropon, someone who does quests for them I suppose.

A young Nopon was practising to become a shopkeeper someday by playing pretend. That's cute.

There was a Grannypon shopping for food with their littlepon's littlepon. She spoke of dinobeasts appearing in Makna now. I've seen some of them.

One Nopon told us about the sparkly thing above the altar and if you touched it then someone named Migaga would get angry. Apparently that thing keeps the Nopon safe.

A young Nopon named Pipki was practising his bounce so he could reach his friend's house. Must be tough living in a tree. He came up on the affinity chart as "Curious scaredy-cat".

Another Nopon was selling stuff and wanted to get pollen from Yellow Flower Grove, but couldn't because of the dinobeasts.

A doorway led somewhere. A Nopon told us it was for the kitchen where they preserved food by pickling. He said there was a breeze here that cooled the sweat on you too. Sounds nice. Will explore later.

Some more Nopon around the area talked about how they delivered food to Colony 9 and they use shortcuts because they're so small. They have a big network of food transportation.

Okay, that's just one floor explored and I notice more characters emerging in the evening...

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