Thursday 4 August 2022

105 xenoblade - ewan's courage quest

Dear Readers,

Ewan finished his love novel for Matryona, but he didn't have the courage to hand it over. He wanted us to take him on an adventure to gain some courage and we agreed to protect him.

We had to go toward either the mine or the marsh and protect him from harm.

We went to the mine and met Kiroki from Anna's quest in the Drainage Control Room. He won this time in his challenge with Nikita and headed back to the colony. Now we had to find Nikita.

We found 1 dynamite from another quest we had in the tunnels before finding Elegant Marin in Glowmoss Lake, another secret area just off Test Pit 2. Defeating it fulfilled Ewan's quest. He was standing nearby and thanked us. We mined some water crystal and warped back.

Ewan seemed to be more focused on helping the colony now. He wasn't mentioning Matryona anymore.

I was a bit worried but then Matryona had a quest. She wanted to paint a picture for Ewan to match his love writing. She needed materials so she asked us for a lake drop from the Bionis' Leg or a Nasty Weed from Satori Marsh. It turned out she hadn't given him her answer yet. She wanted to do it in the form of a painting.

We already had the lake drop so we gave it to her. It seemed like the nicer ingredient and hopefully a nice answer. She finished the painting and asked us to give it to Ewan. She said it represented her feelings for him.

We gave the painting to him and he loved it! He said he could feel its warmth and kindness exploding from the canvas. He asked us to tell Matryona and we did. it brought them together, made their affinity deepen to "likes" and made us level up! Hooray!

Ewan talked about doing his bit for the Colony and Matryona wished everyone could see he was a good man like she could. Aw!

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