Friday 19 August 2022

120 xenoblade - learning purge and meeting alvis

Dear Readers,

We saw a young woman collapsed on the path ahead of us. I recognised her from one of my visions but it wasn't clear. We had to help her now.

Sharla found that she was suffering from ether deficiency and we needed water crystals. I said I'd go while everyone looked after her.

This was the same one who was fighting that huge three-headed creature in that cutscene when we entered this area.

I was now on my own to look for Water Ether Crystals.

I saw them on the map near where I met the Nopon. I warped there and saw a path I didn't see before going all the way down to the lake shore below. I took a shortcut and jumped down all the way into the water. I then swam to the shore and towards the water crystal.

A mysterious Homs appeared. He introduced himself as Alvis and I recognised him from one of my visions. He knew my name and my ability to see the future. He was being all mysterious when creatures called Telethia attacked from the sky. He said they could detect the Monado.

I tried to use my abilities to attack but it was no use. Alvis said they could read my mind. The Monado was knocked from my hand and he picked it up. A different symbol appeared on it. He used his own ability and cut it down.

A battle followed with more of them and Alvis joined. I learned a new art called Purge. A tutorial appeared explaining that I could use it to stop the Telethia from glowing with an aura to read my mind.

We won the battle handily and got a chain attack in too. I wasn't sure if purge was working but I used it anyway.

Alvis continued being mysterious and sensed the primary Telethia was wounded somewhere, whatever that meant. I had so many questions for him about the Monado.

Reyn appeared on the path, looking for me. I was going to introduce him to Alvis, but he disappeared all mysteriously. Reyn laughed when I told him about Alvis and my new purge ability. He reckoned I took a nap or something.

With the crystals we needed, we headed back to the others and the injured lady.

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