Monday 1 August 2022

102 xenoblade - daytime mingling in colony 6 during restoration

Dear Readers,

We started mingling in Colony 6 to get the restoration started. I was able to talk to Juju to start developing and increasing levels of this place. I read through his hints and it was all pretty interesting.

The first thing we did was pretty much fall into the water. Then we wandered around the place. It was just a great big empty lot with rubble and uneven ground all around. This place was much smaller than Colony 9, unless there are other districts around.

Nikita said he felt good to be back home but wondered if he was safe.

Anna said Olga was very nice to her. This established a link between them on the chart with "mother's friend" on it. She said Nikita and Kiroki were going to fight a monster in the Ether Mine and they were being sent by herself. Uh-oh. This gave me a vision of Kiroki saying Nikita ran too slow and would get eaten by a monster if he didn't hurry. Nikita then called out for Kiroki, saying not to leave him. It only dawned on her the monster could fight back. We took on the quest to get them to safety.

Kinda funny how I was just talking to Nikita right before Anna. He's not here now.

Otharon was happy to see people back and encouraged us to keep helping.

Satata asked us to help find his brother's keepsake. Unfortunately, he was killed in the Mechon attack, but the keepsake could be in the room Otharon hid in at the mine. We agreed to find his brother's Mushroom Cap.

Pama said everyone was looking out for him. He wanted to become a jack of all trades when he grows up so he could repay the favour to all his kind friends. Aw.

Arda was more than delighted to be back from the refugee camp. What she really wanted was there to be a couple of restaurants competing with each other for customers so the food would get better and better. She also felt a bit useless in the restoration effort but was happy to entertain people with stories.

People were going in and out of the Restoration HQ building but we couldn't go in there ourselves. We waited for more mingling with other people...

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