Saturday 12 March 2016

1 Sonic Chaos - Game Beaten With 3 Chaos Emeralds

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about playing this game on my AtGames SEGA Arcade Gamer Portable.

The game is very fair in its difficulty I find, but it can be tough to collect chaos emeralds. I completed a session recently with only 3 of the 5 to be obtained through special stages. I had a few chances to get the 4th one but I haven't sussed its special stage yet! It's this long plain with many springs that push you back. The emerald itself is on top of a platform I can only reach with a bit of extra height, probably with the Rocket Shoes. I kept failing in this however and ran out of time!

Eventually when I beat Dr. Robotnik, I got the bad ending and a big "TRY AGAIN" was there. It also had Sonic falling flat on his face. How humiliating!

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