Tuesday 29 March 2016

20 Final Fantasy Explorers - Aberrant and Multiple Eidolons Online with Joe and Nova

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about our online session where we faced 2 eidolons at once and fought some more aberrant ones with unusual properties.

At this point, Joe was EL 162 Beastmaster, Nova was EL116 Time Mage and I was EL93 Monk.

It took me a while to start tonight. My friends were very patient!

Quest 1: "Encasing in Magicite"

I asked nicely if we could do Ifrit and Leviathan and the others kindly obliged! I had some subs to do.

After taking care of Ifrit, I used a teleport stone to go back to the path fork and we went to take care of Leviathan.

Quest 2: "Dragons of Doom"

We took care of this one handily.

Quest 3: "Taking on a God"

I'm sure this one was for a sub too.

Quest 4: "Gilgamesh Returns!"

He was pretty tough and knocked me out a few times. I must remember to not trigger the cataclysm or else it makes dropped items disappear off the board.

After this I had to plug in my charging cable.

Quest 5: "Ultimate Otherworld Weapon Beta"

I was a bit nervous about this as it really kicked our butts last time. This time though we were much more careful, methodical and prepared. Didn't die as much and we knew better how to deal with it!

Quest 6: "The Twin Queens"

2 Aberrant Shivas in the one place! Sounds very scary! They looked a bit smaller on seeing two of them there but were still quite dangerous.

Quest 7: "Blustery Boltstorm"
Quest 8: "Twisted Sister's Soirée"

Yikes! A fiery Dryad! Fryad maybe? She was pretty tough here. I guess she's like a Piranha Plant now. We were making jokes about her being Petey Piranha's mom and that she picks out his clothes! :P

Quest 9: "The Firebird's Deadly Revival"

Managed to encase this bird!

Quest 10: "Three Wolf Moon"

Nova was shocked to learn that I didn't have a Fenrir Magicite yet.

Quest 11: "Three Wolf Moon"

Nova wanted to finish off a subquest! They were also shocked to learn that I didn't have a Bahamut Magicite yet either. Next time!

Joe also maxed out the level for his Land Turtle on this battle, so that was nice too.

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