Friday 11 March 2016

15 Final Fantasy Explorers - Gathering 3 Megacrystals Online With Joseph And Nova

Dear Readers,

Nova has surpassed me! They're now at EL 80 and a Ranger. I'm EL 78! Joe's EL 138. Today I'll talk about gathering the Megacrystals and doing some other quests.

Quest 1: "A Bitter Pill"

Nova's still looking for a Malboro Eyeball. I don't mind because I happen to be subquesting for Great Malboros!

Quest 2: "A Bitter Pill"

Not sure how many of these we did. I did complete the subquest though. I also maxed out mutations on my Chakra move. You're only allowed to have 16! I'm gonna try and stack 16 Recover HP mutations. Would a Regen be good to have too though? Decisions decisions!

Nova still didn't get any Malboro Eyeballs. I have some but I'm not able to give any to other players, unfortunately. I had like 3 of them.

Quest 3: "Freezing Fangs"

At some stage, Nova switched to White Mage. I still haven't switched jobs.

Quest 4: "Bolt of Surging Fury"

A weird moment happened when I revived Nova and then got KO'd myself. It's like I sacrificed myself or something!

Quest 5: "Azure Megacrystal"

The Dragon Zombie was just a palette swap of another dragon. It wasn't all bones like the Dragon Zombie in Mystic Quest/Final Fantasy Adventure.(Still my favourite Square game!)

Joe's big into Marvel stuff and he was geeking out over the fact that there are Marvel characters with all our names: Rocket, Joeseph and Nova. Rocket Raccoon of course! I haven't seen the movie in which he appears though. I'm not that big into Marvel but some of the movies are pretty good! I think Joe will eventually get me into them more!

Quest 6: "Crimson Megacrystal"

Joe is hunting for Leech Bat atmaliths all the time.

Back in Libertas, the saucy Beatrice told me she'd give Ardo a spanking if he didn't tell me about the location of the remaining Megacrystal. Ardo caved and told me that a Tonberry King had it. He was gonna get it himself, but the Tonberry King kicked his butt.

Quest 7: "A Bitter Pill"

Nova's still hunting for Malboro Eyeballs!

Quest 8: "Verdant Megacrystal"

Joe wondered if "Centaurion" was a typo. I reckon it's spelled that way because they have bovine horns.

So anyway, Cid became delighted that I got all three Megacrystals. Sophia suggested using a Crystalizer to break open a way to the Grand Crystal but that it was dangerous. Cid then asked me to give the Megacrystals to him, whatever he'll do with them. I guess I'll find out more next time!

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