Monday 7 March 2016

3 Fantasy Zone - Sussing The Second Stage

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about intel I've gathered while playing the second level so I can come up with a strategy.

Six bases here again. I guess that's for all the levels? Not sure yet, I'll check them out as they come. The enemies aren't too difficult here, although there is one tricky one that twirls in a group to make a spirally pattern.

The boss however is shielded up to the max with these round things surrounding him. It's annoying trying to shoot between the tiny cracks to take out the little spinning weak points and it often takes so long that he just decides to bum rush me before I can beat him. Smart bombs are completely useless, but 2-3 heavy bombs really do the trick! I'd always want to at least have this many before I ever face him again.

Strategy is developing! :)

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