Thursday 3 March 2016

12 Final Fantasy Explorers - Sephiroth Died And It's All My Fault

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about more online adventures that Bix, Joe and I went on. I unlocked Tifa, one of the most famous Monks in the series!

While Joe waited for me to pick a quest, he took a jog around the crystal. Warm up :)

At this stage I was at EL 65 and he was at EL 126.

Quest 1: "Aptitude Exam: Dragoon & Sage"

Joe had a Land Turtle along. It was pretty cool.

GDG was gonna come along, but didn't make it. Later on, Joe made some funny skits by putting humorous text in some screenshots he took while playing with him!

Quest 2: "A Bitter Pill"

Facing a Giant Malboro sounded scary. We managed it well enough. I died once and got loads of status effects. Had to revive myself but Joe was on the other side of the big tree. He had a cute and unicorn-like White Chocobo along to help.

Bix then joined us. They were at EL 33 at this point.

Quest 3: "Guardian of the Sacred Tree"

I wasn't able to encase Alexander this time either. Hrmm...

Quest 4: "Aptitude Exam: Ninja & Bard"

Bix was showing off their Black Mage skills.

Quest 5: "A Legendary Knight"

Bix said this one looked scary. I did too when I first took it on, but now I love it! With this there are dragons EVERYWHERE and it makes things pretty exciting! It's intimidating to see so many in the same place but when you get the hang of it, it's fun. Good for clearing the dragon subquests too.

Quest 6: "Red-Hot Garden of Drifting Sparks"

Bix tried out the Ninja job. I was a bit slow on this quest but I caught up. Joe did this cute thing where he claimed a tiny island for his own. :)

Quest 7: "Explore East Amostra"

This was a nice fun quest with lots of exploring. We went into the cyclone at the desert as well.

Quest 8: "Requiem for the Seeker"

Tonberries can be tricky with their knives.

Quest 9: "The Ice Queen's Waterfall Waltz"

Shiva's pretty easy to die to in this quest. I got caught in some of her blasts and died 3 or 4 times.

Quest 10: "Bolt of Surging Fury"

Joe liked to hang out on the cliff and enjoy the view. It was like something out of The Lion King (it's the ciirrrrrrrrrcle of liiiiiiiife!:) ). Anyway, Ramuh was pretty powerful here. So powerful, his lightning bolt made us all disconnect!(that's my story anyway!) I had to face him by myself when I got disconnected from the others. I guess they had to face him by themselves too in their game sessions. I did manage to defeat what was left of him thankfully!

Quest 11: "Guidance from Above"

Bix was miffed at me for "Killing Sephy". Who's Sephy? Well, it was Joe using Magicite to turn into Sephiroth! What I did was use the 1,000 Needles Crystal Surge. All of our hits inflict 1,000 damage, but it's the same for damage inflicted on US, so Amaterasu killed Sephy, er... I mean Joe and Bix held me responsible! Whoops! I did revive them both with Phoenix Downs though!

So yeah, "Sephy" was sent back to his mom. :P

On the bright side, I managed to encase Amaterasu. Yipee! :)

Quest 12: "The Immortal Firebird Returns"

The Ice Affinity Surge is handy for Phoenix. I got the 1,000 Needles surge in this quest too! Hehe!

After this, the Moogles gave me the Premium Heart schematic and Tifa's Attire.

I forged myself the Premium Heart and we went on to the next quest.

Quest 13: "Invitation from a Twisted Sister"

The Fire Affinity came in handy here. I managed to dodge her earthquake move just in time too.

After this I "Obtained Tifa" from the Moogle Merchant. If only, amirite? ;)

But no it's just the Magicite that summons her and lets me use Final Heaven.

Quest 14: "Class Zero"

At this stage, Bix and I were about the same when picking new quests, so it was fresh for both of us.

Quest 15: "Bomb Island Ahoy!"

I tried to get Joe into the cheer circle to do the Water Affinity Surge, but he was too far ahead to notice. Bix turned off targetting in the quest options!

Quest 16: "Monarch of Hell"

Got another Water Affinity Surge here. Nice and handy, even without targetting, BIX!

Quest 17: "Drive Out the Unclean!"

Finally got to try out Final Heaven here! It's not too bad a move.

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