Monday 14 March 2016

6 Fantasy Zone - Fast Offensive Strategies!

Dear Readers,

There's a YouTube walkthrough for this game that's 8 minutes and 55 seconds long! Amazing isn't it? I guess since there's no autoscrolling in this shmup, it would take a lot shorter to play through than other ones. The bosses too, since the ones I've seen can be beaten in one hit with the right weapon, you could plow through this game very quickly if you were skilled enough!

So I guess it's best to always have a very strong offence to make the stages go quickly. That makes sense, as taking a long while often stirs a lot of trouble e.g. the bosses bum rushing you if you take too long on them.

What I've generally been doing in a recent session is buying Laser Beams and 7 Way Shots whenever possible. This tears through bases quickly and the SEL balloon always appears when one of them runs out. Except during bosses of course.

Heavy Bombs then are good for some of the earlier bosses and of course, the Fire Bomb is great on Round 4 for all those ground bases.

So yeah, I can now beat the first few levels fairly quickly and handily! So far, I've only learned about the first 4 Rounds. I need to practise more after that.

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