Tuesday 15 March 2016

16 Final Fantasy Explorers - More Subquesting Online With Joseph And Nova, Cid And The Megacrystals

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about what Cid did with the Megacrystals and about more online adventures with Joseph and Nova. Nova now had access to quests that I didn't have yet! Oh well. I'll catch up! Nova was EL 94, Joe was EL 145 and I was EL 80.

Quest 1: "Bolt of Surging Fury"

I was trying to complete subquests again!

Quest 2: "Fire and Ice Showdown!"

Kind of a tough one for me as I died a few times. I had very good healers though!

Back in Libertas, some interesting dialogue from both Father Clemeus and Soltis. Father Clemeus said I'm the chosen one to defeat Therion, whereas Soltis — being of the Naravean Church — said I'm the one to awaken Therion so that it may bring about its judgement. Religions with opposing views? What a concept!

Quest 3: "Dragons for a Booming Business"

During this quest, Joe went off to face the dragon in the west on his own, while Nova and I went to face the dragon nearest to our spawn area. The dragon we faced had smaller enemies around him and I'm not sure I ever saw them before... or at least not their palette. I hope I didn't miss out on bestiary entries or anything by leaving Joe go on his own...

Anway, after we defeated our dragon, Nova and I used Teleport Stones and met Joe back at the spawn point in Maxon. Then we trekked together all the way to Mount Hibat to fight the last one.

I liked it. Nice and adventuresome!

After this quest, I had to plug in my 3DS charger.

Joe said he uses all those collected Leech Bat atmaliths to forge Thief's Anklets. He said there's a random chance they'll have +10 Absorb HP and +10 Absorb MP. You just have to keep making them and be lucky enough. Wow. It's like some kind of lottery. I made a few, but didn't get much. They do vary in stats when you make them alright.

Anyway, Cid told me the energy barrier blocking the entrance to the Grand Crystal is gone. He said he had to use his Crystalizer and the Megacrystals as some kind of bomb to blow it up. He said it's ok as he's retired. He made some kind of sacrifice.

Quest 4: "Eidolon Battle Research"

I asked Joe and Nova if we could go for Ramuh and Bahamut, due to my subquests being almost complete for them and I just needed to defeat one of each. They graciously complied :)

We faced Bahamut and I died far too many times to him! Eventually we beat Ramuh as well and my subquests for both were complete! Yay!

Quest 5: "Crimson Zantetsuken"

Nice quick quest to end the evening and I didn't die this time!

Joe talked a little about being a Beastmaster. He said he just fused his level 50 Helldiver with a level 1 because it had better stats, so now it's level 25 but with slightly more potential. Hmm... It seems there are a lot of ways to grow in this game.

As for me, I ought to study mutations a bit.

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