Friday 25 March 2016

19 Final Fantasy Explorers - The Ultimate Battle; Online With thatguy, Joe and Nova

Dear Readers,

Nova's friend thatguy joined us at one stage during this session! Other than that, we had to deal with even harder eidolons. Read on!

At this point I was EL 87 Monk, Joe was EL 157 Beastmaster and Nova was EL 111 White Mage. thatguy was EL 34 Thief.

Joe and I tore into it. The others joined later.

Quest 1: "Marauding Beastlord"

I don't think they were talking about our own Beastmaster here... I don't know what one hit KO'd me here but it took me by surprise. Joe had his White Chocobo along too.

Quest 2: "Marauding Beastlord"

I asked nicely if we could do this one again. Subquest quota!

Quest 3: "The Royal Cleaver"

Nice to complete the subquest for summoning the Tonberry King for this one!

After this, Cid told me about an even more powerful Ifrit. Nova joined us too.

Quest 4: "The Legendary Ore Returns"

It's nice that the Adamantoises weren't too difficult here.

Nova asked us if we were ok to have their friend thatguy joining and we were happy to have him along. He would join soon.

Quest 5: "Dragons for a Booming Business"

Three dragons, each in a different corner of the map! The ones Joe and Nova went for were close by, but my one was all the way on Mount Hibat Summit. We spawned in Maxon!

I had to hike all the way south and then up the mountain. By the time I was on Hibat Mountain trail, they had already defeated their dragons!

I eventually made it to the summit and the dragon and fought it alone for a while, until my hero Nova showed up to help too! The last dragon was taken care of!

When we got back, thatguy joined us. We all banded together for some of his quests.

Quest 6: (Yellow Dragon in Maxon(I forget the exact title))

thatguy was that guy who switched on the options. No biggie, as it makes things interesting. Bit disorienting not being able to target though!

Quest 7: "It's Gonna Blow!"

Options switched on here too. YOLO!

Quest 8: "Red-Hot Garden of Drifting Sparks"

This went toward my subquest quota, so yay! :)

After this, thatguy left.

Quest 9: "Her Flanjesty"

Joe brought his Land Turtle along. He was running around the Flan Princess, like it was Ring-Around-The-Flan or something!

Quest 10: "Demons, Begone!"

I was sorry to see thatguy go, but I was so glad to have targetting back! I love running away from the enemy before using the Vacuum Wave to rubberband back into it with a punch! It doesn't do extra damage, it just feels cool!

Quest 11: "Hellfire on Ice"

A 7 star quest! This was the extra powerful eidolon Cid was talking about. It didn't do anything for my normal subquest quota...

The battle was very fun though! Very long too and a great experience overall. It chased me like Benny Hill for a while! I managed to encase it :)

After this, Cid told me about more eidolons who had gotten more powerful as well.

Joe had to clean his bunny cage, so Nova and I went on the next quest by ourselves.

Quest 12: "Gigantic Cactuar"

I got whacked by its severe needle move. I got it though for the subquest quota!

Quest 13: "Secret of the Underwater Caves"

This was for my Leviathan quota. On the beach, I thought I'd be nice to the Chocobos and avoid killing them, because Nova isn't too keen on that. Eventually, I had a few of them hovering around me while I was trying to kill Toads. Nova then just showed up and killed all the Chocobos in one hit with a super powerful energy ball spell thingy! Welp! So much for that! At least they're looking out for me :)

Facing Leviathan, I did the run tactic, but Nova stayed, fought and wiped out on the tsunamis without doing any fleeing. Fleeing wastes valuable damaging time I suppose!

Quest 14: "Crystalyzer Load-Testing"

Joe came back from bunny cage cleaning! This was a quest even HE had not completed! Whoa! I guess it's because it's to do with filling the Magicite trance gauge three times, or once each among three players. We all filled up eventually after some fighting and finished the quest.

Joe mentioned another 7 star quest he hadn't completed yet and that it was really hard... He told us what it was. I told him I had access to it. We decided to take on...

Quest 15: "The Ultimate Battle"

Indeed it was! We decided to go for Shiva and Ifrit for the two eidolons. I had to plug in my charger at this point. When I entered Shiva's lair, I already saw one of my teammates collapsed on the ground. Yep... one hit kills. She was incredibly tough and I had to do a lot of avoiding and countering. My Counter move was great here. Don't get KO'd in one shot! After a lot of dying and reviving, I was eventually able to encase her!

We used teleport stones to go back to the spawn point and headed for Ifrit's lair. Yes, both eidolons and other enemies were really tough. The option for "Really Tough Enemies" was auto ticked and couldn't be removed. Joe said it was a real kick in the Tonberries!

Oh my gosh the Ifrit battle was freaking awesome and ended beautifully. We got some water and ice affinities done but it was still a long and tough battle with lots of KOs and revivals between all of us. Nova's death cry sounds pretty unsettling. It's even more unsettling when I'm the only one left standing. I was about to revive them both near the end when the "Encase" option popped up again and I decided to go for that. With this, they both revived anyway! It felt awesome!

I was declared MVP. I learned what "MVP" meant. I had seen it before on a t-shirt in Animal Crossing for the GameCube but forgot. It means "Most Valuable Player". What an honour! It was just such good fortune and felt really good to ride that wave! I was yatta-ing like Chun Li!

Quest 16: "Crystalyzer Road-Testing"

This was a nice easy way to unwind after the last one!

Quest 17: "Gigantuar Get!"

Had some fun times but still had a subquest quota to reach! :)

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