Friday 18 March 2016

17 Final Fantasy Explorers - Endgame Therion and Grand Crystal, 6 Star Quests, Gilgamesh and Ultimate Otherworld Weapon Alpha Online With Joe And Nova

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about the endgame! But not the end of the game. I took it on with Nova and Joseph, bit by bit, quest by quest!

Nova was EL 96 Machinist, but often changed jobs during the session and Joe was EL 146 Beastmaster. I was an EL 82 Monk.

Quest 1: "Lords of Tides"

My second time facing Leviathan! For this I didn't do much attacking. I just wanted to see if I could avoid the tidal wave by hanging out on the ledges. My poor teammates took the wave every time. I'm sorry guys! If it's any consolation, they were pretty cool waves! It's a great view from those ledges indeed, but it does take a while to run up and back. At least Joe's Helldiver didn't get washed away. The beasts usually don't, so it seems they're handy in this fight.

Afterwards I obtained the Terra Magicite, Terra's Attire and the Apocalypse schematic from the Moogles.

Quest 2: "Demon Busters"

The options for "Tough Enemies" and "No Items" were ticked and I couldn't untick them here. That will happen with more advanced quests I suppose!

We appeared in an area with two big Devils. They were both pretty tough and took a while to beat. I could only imagine how tough Diabolos was going to be this time around.

He was very tough indeed! He can do an instant death move with these little bat groups he can summon. He got us all quite a few times. Together, we all whittled him down to near defeat and Joe encased him! Woo!

Quest 3: "Conquer the Grand Crystal"

The endgame quest! Everyone in town wished me luck when I went around mingling. The path to the Grand Crystal was now open and the surrounding area is really pretty! There are these shiny mystical looking bridges and paths. After exploring this gorgeous area for a while, we went into the Grand Crystal's entrance, which is a bright shining light.

There are many networking paths and bridges inside too and they can be a little confusing but fun. Some Chocobos were here too and Nova wasn't happy to see us fight them... Look, they're not as tame as they usually are in the Final Fantasy series! They've got some kick!

We finally arrived and fought the Therion. I died a couple of times but had great support in fighting it and we all conquered it together.

Following this, I got a nice cutscene with sparkly crystal energy raining everywhere and the people of Libertas looking all happy and waving.

After this, the credits rolled! Developer Racjin did a pretty good job on this game and just made it smooth and quite hassle free to play. Some nice artwork of the eidolons accompany the credits as they roll.

Some nice moments in the credits too like "All Fans of Final Fantasy" in the Special Thanks. :)

Matthew Mercer and Cherami Leigh were in the voice credits too! This kinda blew my mind, as I had seen their panels at a local convention just a couple of weeks ago! I didn't know who they were at all before this! I recognised their voices a bit though! :)

After the credits, Surama was looking at the crystal rain too and she didn't look unhappy, despite her concerns from earlier.

After this, I unlocked something. A dialogue box popped up and said "Starting with 6 Star quests, destroying eidolon components has a better chance of yielding items with high rarity."

So that's cool!

Meanwhile, Joseph and Nova were wondering where the heck I was. I was busy with the credits whereas they had seen the credits before. They were trying to get #wheresRocket trending and everything!

I eventually came back and talked to Cid, who congratulated me on conquering the Grand Crystal and gave me loads more quests to do, since there's all this new crystal energy around, raining from the sky.

At this point, I had to plug in the 3DS charger.

I unlocked the Tidus Magicite from the Moogles and also got Tidus' Attire and Brotherhood schematic.

Now on to the 6 star quests!

Quest 4: "Gilgamesh's Debut"

This one caught my eye, so we gave this a go. He's quite the goofball and made for a fun battle! Some of his attacks didn't work and some worked too well and the dialogue was quite humorous during the battle too! The Gilgamesh theme played during this battle so that was fun!

I tried out the Terra Magicite. She has an unusual voice, like that of an older lady.

Quest 5: "Revisit East Amostra"

Joe wanted to encase Alexander and luckily enough, this quest gave him a chance! Alexander was pretty tough though and KO'd me a few times with Divine Judgements. Joe encased him which was pretty cool! It wasn't what he was looking for, but still. Pretty good. I think I have access to this Magicite now too.

During this quest I tried the Tidus Magicite and he's not bad. Fought a Tonberry King in the swamp too.

Quest 6: "Ultimate Otherworld Weapon alpha"

Wow this thing was freaking unreal. It's a four legged machine and can do some serious damage. We needed every moment of time to beat it. Joe figured out a strategy for it, so hopefully it won't be as close for us in future! You have to damage all its legs before you can get hits on the main body, or at least that's what we've come up with. It was neat with the battle theme from Final Fantasy V playing in the background too!

Quest 7 "Give Me Wings to Fly"

Joe just ran off fighting Malboros. Nova and I had to do all the work in finding the birds and other alates! We had to trek all along the east part of Amostra from our spawn point. We came across other winged creatures like those gargoyle/devil like ones, but they didn't count as alates! We eventually completed the quota for the quest with bats at the foot of Mount Hibat.

So that's it! Very eventful session! I assume that was the endgame a while ago when the credits rolled. I could be wrong. We'll find out soon enough!

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