Tuesday 8 March 2016

14 Final Fantasy Explorers - More Five Star Quests Online With Joe And Nova

Dear Readers,

Bix is now Nova. They were EL 73 at this point, just three behind me at EL 76. Joe was EL 137. Today I'll talk about more of our online adventures.

Quest 1: "The Monsters' Grudge"

Joe had his Cactuar along for this one. Pretty cool to have! It casts a spell that makes us run faster! I got killed by a Tonberry King twice during this quest. They can be deadly alright. Finally got use out of a Teleport Stone too. I had a surplus of them!

Quest 2: "A Bitter Pill"

Nova looked a bit like Dillon from the Rolling Western Games.

After this, Joe was having a snack so I decided to do the Mastery Trial for my job as a Monk.

Quest 3: "Mastery Trials: Monk"

The 3 Behemoths weren't too difficult but I did die to them a couple of times.

I got some kind of item for doing this but I didn't notice anything else special... Not sure what's going on.

Quest 4: "A Bitter Pill"

Nova was trying to hunt for a Malboro Eye or something so we did this again.

Quest 5: "Gigantic Cactuar"

Summoning a Gigantuar was one of my subquests. I thought I'd have a chance to summon it here but it was already pre-summoned. Oh well.

Quest 6: "Savior's Favor"

I picked this to beat the subquest for hunting Odins!

Quest 7: "Doing a Fine Job"

I made the mistake again of picking a quest where they were pre-summoned. This time it was Magic Pots. They're little jerks.

I was pretty tired at this point, so I just mingled a bit around Libertas before saying goodnight to Joe and Nova.

Ludio told me about a fiercely glowing crystal after he defeated a Dragon Zombie. Rosaria then told me about a huge Bomb that has crystal ore. That Rosaria has a bit of 'tude. She must be one of those tsunderes. Not exactly the type of girl I like to dream about.

Anyway, it was time for bed!

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