Tuesday 22 March 2016

18 Final Fantasy Explorers - Monster Mashing Online With Joe And Nova

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about more online adventures with my American friends, Joe and Nova. An interesting quest was the one where we had to defeat any 50 monsters.

At this point, I was EL 84 Monk, Joe was EL 149 Beastmaster and Nova was EL 104 Samurai.

Quest 1: "Battle With a Sapient Thunderbolt"

When I joined Joe's room, he was out on this 10 star quest! That's the kind of thing I can look forward to later on!

I was still on 6 star quests and we did one while waiting for Nova.

Quest 2: "Divination 101"

I was surprised to see Joe had set tons of options for this but he said it was easy and he was right! It took us no time at all and he had a White Chocobo with him too.

Nova joined us after we came back to Libertas.

Quest 3: "The Yellow Dragon's Advance"

Joe's Coeurl came with us. It looks a bit like a small Yellow Dragon...

Quest 4: "Revisit West Amostra"

Not the widest area for exploration but I got to face Leviathan again! I wasn't able to beat it for the subquest though, as we only had to touch a point on the shore to complete the main quest. I did manage to pick up something it dropped just in time though, so that's something.

Nova reached the other point while Joe and I just chilled on the beach!

Quest 5: "Call Down the Storm!"

Odin KO'd me too many times with his Zantetsuken. In the end though, we managed to encase him. Now I can use Zantetsuken!

Quest 6: "Hit Up that Pot One More Time"

I wanted to summon the Magic Pots for a subquest, but Joe beat me to it! Gah! These little guys are tricky and often run away into thin air to escape.

Quest 7: "Gigantic Cactuar"

I had another subquest to defeat 5 of these giant cacti.

Quest 8: "Hit Up that Pot One More Time"

One more time, baby! I managed to clear the summon subquest too! :) They're tricky dickies and seemed trickier this time too.

Quest 9: "Giguantar Get!"

I asked "pretty please" to let me summon the Giguantar for a subquest and the others gracefully obliged! :)

Joe has some cool "Stop" inflicting gear that's very handy for getting risk-free hits on enemies.

Quest 10: "Do the Monster Mash!"

Any 50 monsters to defeat! Quite a lot to do! It was fun though, and Joe's Cactuar gained 7 levels during this quest. We fought Alexander during this quest too, though I guess it took longer. Nova sensibly went after regular enemies. Joe and I had fun though :)

Quest 11: "This Request Stinks"

Nice way to end our session! 3 Great Malboros together... They're so big too that you can't see the forest for them.

Pretty nice session and didn't have to use my charger at any point during it either! I did plug it in afterwards though.

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