Friday 4 March 2016

13 Final Fantasy Explorers - 3DS XL Water Damaged :( Five Star Quests With Joe And Bix

Dear Readers,

Disaster befell me recently. My 3DS XL got water damaged from a bottle of water I didn't close properly and put in my bag while in a hurry. Now it won't work :(

Fortunately, I kept my old 3DS after I bought and transferred to the XL. I was able to use this to continue playing this game with Joe and Bix.

I had to do two system updates, configure internet settings and make a Mii. I didn't have to make a Nintendo Network ID. I need one however for the YouTube application and Nintendo Anime Channel. I miss using them so much! I also miss the larger screen and using my Circle Pad Pro XL. I don't have the max 300 Play Coins either. Also, if this game was digitally downloaded instead of a physical copy, I wouldn't be able to play right now!

Anyway, I got all set up and ready to go and joined up with Joe.

Quest 1: "Cloaked in Darkest Ebony"

Diabolos is still pretty tough. Joe did most of the work!

On returning from this quest, Shion told me about Odin attacking him. 

Quest 2: "Freezing Fangs"
Quest 3: "Zantetsu Master"

This was my first time facing Odin. I activated the Beckoned Bolts cataclysm for the first time too.

After this, Cid told me about the path to the Grand Crystal and that there's another barrier there.

Soltis told me more about the Grand Crystal and Therion's seal. Something about a woman knight of the Knight's Orthodox church too.

Grauser gave me some subquests too. All about summoning enemies and defeating 3 of each of the eidolons.

Quest 4: "Savior's Favor" 

During this I got to see what the Beckoned Bolts cataclysm did, as it was too late to check it out last time. It wasn't as cool as the earlier ones with the sea or the desert cyclone.

All four star quests were now complete!

After this, Bix joined us.

Quest 5: "Sovereign of the Skies"

Bahamut's pretty tough! It's time to run away when Megaflare happens. Managed to pass the 700 Resonance subquest during this.

Quest 6: "Aptitude Exam: Dragoon & Sage"

Lots of monsters were defeated by the others during this quest. Found lots of spoils and pressies around the countryside!

Quest 7: "A Bitter Pill"

Bix was able to do this tornado ability that looked cool. It's a Ninja ability.

Quest 8: "Zantetsu Master"

I tried to encase Odin but alas, I failed. Next time maybe.

Quest 9: "Sacred Citadel"

After facing Alexander again, I chatted with Fierty. She told us about what she can do to help us get to the Grand Crystal. Something about the church library.

Quest 10: "The Hour of Trial"

Flan Princess was here. It's fun to hunt them!

After this, Father Clemeus arrived in Libertas and talked about the Grand Crystal. Cid told me about Megacrystals.

Quest 11: "Gigantic Cactuar"

While fighting Gigantaur, Bix did the cataclysm and it warped us back to the start point of the area! I must keep aware of that in future!

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