Wednesday 30 March 2016

13 Sonic Chaos - Special Stage 5, Purple Chaos Emerald

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about this stage, another one with pipes that may seem tricky at first.

A handy tip for this stage is to keep pressing pause so you have some chance to get your bearings or prepare for the next pipe turn.

What I like to do is go right into the pipe and ride it all the way to the end. Then, on going up, take the second pipe left and immediately take the next pipe down, which can go by a bit fast. From here there's no need to do any turning, as the pipe takes you directly to the room with the purple chaos emerald. There's a spring here that bounces you back into the pipe, but as long as you don't touch in any direction, you'll bounce back into the room again. Time it so the spring doesn't bounce you back into the pipe and the final special stage's emerald is now yours!

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