Sunday 31 July 2022

101 xenoblade - colony 6 restoration begins!

Dear Readers,

We found ourselves at the new landmark of Reconstruction HQ at Colony 6. I wanted to see what the refugee camp was like now that everyone had left, so we warped there.

At the refugee camp, everyone was gone except for the shopkeeper. Beds, lights and boxes were still here, so it still looked like a place that was ready to be used for accommodation. The Heart-to-Hearts were still here too but I still couldn't access them.

We warped back to Reconstruction HQ and spoke to Juju. He was in charge of the restoration and we got a tutorial about this new gameplay feature. There were attributes called Housing, Commerce, Nature and Special that could be levelled up.

More tutorials appeared. It encouraged finding people who were thinking of moving to come to Colony 6 for more quests. The other tutorial talked about Ether Planters and how monsters try to attack them to slow things down. We had to keep monsters away.

That's it for now. This is only the beginning. On reflection, I'm glad we only had to clear the way here rather than do an escort mission. How fitting as well, that we begin this new chapter in the triple digits of posts!

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