Thursday 31 March 2016

14 Sonic Chaos - Sleeping Egg Zone Act 2, 100 Ring Strategy

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about getting 100 rings on this stage, which is quite easy as there are lots of ten ring boxes!

From the start, collect the rings you can see and jump on the spring to climb upwards. You'll see 3 ten ring boxes up here. Spin dash to the right to find 2 more ten ring boxes, then continue further up the wall to find another 4 ten ring boxes. Between the rings you've collected, that should be more than enough to get through to the special stage!

Wednesday 30 March 2016

13 Sonic Chaos - Special Stage 5, Purple Chaos Emerald

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about this stage, another one with pipes that may seem tricky at first.

A handy tip for this stage is to keep pressing pause so you have some chance to get your bearings or prepare for the next pipe turn.

What I like to do is go right into the pipe and ride it all the way to the end. Then, on going up, take the second pipe left and immediately take the next pipe down, which can go by a bit fast. From here there's no need to do any turning, as the pipe takes you directly to the room with the purple chaos emerald. There's a spring here that bounces you back into the pipe, but as long as you don't touch in any direction, you'll bounce back into the room again. Time it so the spring doesn't bounce you back into the pipe and the final special stage's emerald is now yours!

Tuesday 29 March 2016

20 Final Fantasy Explorers - Aberrant and Multiple Eidolons Online with Joe and Nova

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about our online session where we faced 2 eidolons at once and fought some more aberrant ones with unusual properties.

At this point, Joe was EL 162 Beastmaster, Nova was EL116 Time Mage and I was EL93 Monk.

It took me a while to start tonight. My friends were very patient!

Quest 1: "Encasing in Magicite"

I asked nicely if we could do Ifrit and Leviathan and the others kindly obliged! I had some subs to do.

After taking care of Ifrit, I used a teleport stone to go back to the path fork and we went to take care of Leviathan.

Quest 2: "Dragons of Doom"

We took care of this one handily.

Quest 3: "Taking on a God"

I'm sure this one was for a sub too.

Quest 4: "Gilgamesh Returns!"

He was pretty tough and knocked me out a few times. I must remember to not trigger the cataclysm or else it makes dropped items disappear off the board.

After this I had to plug in my charging cable.

Quest 5: "Ultimate Otherworld Weapon Beta"

I was a bit nervous about this as it really kicked our butts last time. This time though we were much more careful, methodical and prepared. Didn't die as much and we knew better how to deal with it!

Quest 6: "The Twin Queens"

2 Aberrant Shivas in the one place! Sounds very scary! They looked a bit smaller on seeing two of them there but were still quite dangerous.

Quest 7: "Blustery Boltstorm"
Quest 8: "Twisted Sister's Soirée"

Yikes! A fiery Dryad! Fryad maybe? She was pretty tough here. I guess she's like a Piranha Plant now. We were making jokes about her being Petey Piranha's mom and that she picks out his clothes! :P

Quest 9: "The Firebird's Deadly Revival"

Managed to encase this bird!

Quest 10: "Three Wolf Moon"

Nova was shocked to learn that I didn't have a Fenrir Magicite yet.

Quest 11: "Three Wolf Moon"

Nova wanted to finish off a subquest! They were also shocked to learn that I didn't have a Bahamut Magicite yet either. Next time!

Joe also maxed out the level for his Land Turtle on this battle, so that was nice too.

Monday 28 March 2016

12 Sonic Chaos - Sleeping Egg Zone Act 1, 100 Ring Strategy

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about this stage and give a strategy for collecting 100 rings. This zone can be tricky because of a lot of brittle breaking blocks. At the same time though, these blocks can be fun for springing through from below.

From the start, try to climb as high as possible. This leads to some rings and an extra life, so you can reattempt getting 100 rings if you mess up. To the right is a ten ring box and jumping off to the right, there are another 4 ten ring boxes. Jump up over to the next ledge and carefully cross over on the floating platform without falling. There are six rings after this to collect before dropping through the crumbling platforms. Jump over the gap to collect 6 more rings and try to reach the top of the hill without making the platforms crumble. There's a ten ring box here that should be enough. If not, there's another one beneath it.

Sunday 27 March 2016

11 Sonic Chaos - Gigalopolis Zone Act 3, Boss

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about the boss in this zone. This stage itself is short and pretty easy flowing. I like the way you can just roll through the corridors after the loop.

The boss is a tall blue bug bot with round segments. Kind of like a Pokey from the Mario games. It's not difficult at all, just try and keep bouncing on its head.

Saturday 26 March 2016

10 Sonic Chaos - Special Stage 4, White Chaos Emerald

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about getting the white chaos emerald on this stage, which can be tricky, due to the wide pitfalls and the emerald itself being up high.

First, bounce up to get the Rocket Shoes and fly back under. This usually brings me in front of a wall I can break and then continue to break one level lower. After this is a block that freezes time, which comes in very handy here. After this is another breakable wall, the end of which will spring you upwards. Go to the left for some more Rocket Shoes. There's a nice long line of ten ring boxes after this. There are two wide chasms on either side though so use a good running jump if you don't have the Rocket Shoes. Be careful of the springs on the steps. Drop down after this hill to get more Rocket Shoes and fly over the next hill, but don't fly further because there are more Rocket Shoes here that you'll need to reach the high ledge at the very end with the white chaos emerald. I find this special stage the trickiest in the game and it often takes many attempts for me to clear it!

Friday 25 March 2016

19 Final Fantasy Explorers - The Ultimate Battle; Online With thatguy, Joe and Nova

Dear Readers,

Nova's friend thatguy joined us at one stage during this session! Other than that, we had to deal with even harder eidolons. Read on!

At this point I was EL 87 Monk, Joe was EL 157 Beastmaster and Nova was EL 111 White Mage. thatguy was EL 34 Thief.

Joe and I tore into it. The others joined later.

Quest 1: "Marauding Beastlord"

I don't think they were talking about our own Beastmaster here... I don't know what one hit KO'd me here but it took me by surprise. Joe had his White Chocobo along too.

Quest 2: "Marauding Beastlord"

I asked nicely if we could do this one again. Subquest quota!

Quest 3: "The Royal Cleaver"

Nice to complete the subquest for summoning the Tonberry King for this one!

After this, Cid told me about an even more powerful Ifrit. Nova joined us too.

Quest 4: "The Legendary Ore Returns"

It's nice that the Adamantoises weren't too difficult here.

Nova asked us if we were ok to have their friend thatguy joining and we were happy to have him along. He would join soon.

Quest 5: "Dragons for a Booming Business"

Three dragons, each in a different corner of the map! The ones Joe and Nova went for were close by, but my one was all the way on Mount Hibat Summit. We spawned in Maxon!

I had to hike all the way south and then up the mountain. By the time I was on Hibat Mountain trail, they had already defeated their dragons!

I eventually made it to the summit and the dragon and fought it alone for a while, until my hero Nova showed up to help too! The last dragon was taken care of!

When we got back, thatguy joined us. We all banded together for some of his quests.

Quest 6: (Yellow Dragon in Maxon(I forget the exact title))

thatguy was that guy who switched on the options. No biggie, as it makes things interesting. Bit disorienting not being able to target though!

Quest 7: "It's Gonna Blow!"

Options switched on here too. YOLO!

Quest 8: "Red-Hot Garden of Drifting Sparks"

This went toward my subquest quota, so yay! :)

After this, thatguy left.

Quest 9: "Her Flanjesty"

Joe brought his Land Turtle along. He was running around the Flan Princess, like it was Ring-Around-The-Flan or something!

Quest 10: "Demons, Begone!"

I was sorry to see thatguy go, but I was so glad to have targetting back! I love running away from the enemy before using the Vacuum Wave to rubberband back into it with a punch! It doesn't do extra damage, it just feels cool!

Quest 11: "Hellfire on Ice"

A 7 star quest! This was the extra powerful eidolon Cid was talking about. It didn't do anything for my normal subquest quota...

The battle was very fun though! Very long too and a great experience overall. It chased me like Benny Hill for a while! I managed to encase it :)

After this, Cid told me about more eidolons who had gotten more powerful as well.

Joe had to clean his bunny cage, so Nova and I went on the next quest by ourselves.

Quest 12: "Gigantic Cactuar"

I got whacked by its severe needle move. I got it though for the subquest quota!

Quest 13: "Secret of the Underwater Caves"

This was for my Leviathan quota. On the beach, I thought I'd be nice to the Chocobos and avoid killing them, because Nova isn't too keen on that. Eventually, I had a few of them hovering around me while I was trying to kill Toads. Nova then just showed up and killed all the Chocobos in one hit with a super powerful energy ball spell thingy! Welp! So much for that! At least they're looking out for me :)

Facing Leviathan, I did the run tactic, but Nova stayed, fought and wiped out on the tsunamis without doing any fleeing. Fleeing wastes valuable damaging time I suppose!

Quest 14: "Crystalyzer Load-Testing"

Joe came back from bunny cage cleaning! This was a quest even HE had not completed! Whoa! I guess it's because it's to do with filling the Magicite trance gauge three times, or once each among three players. We all filled up eventually after some fighting and finished the quest.

Joe mentioned another 7 star quest he hadn't completed yet and that it was really hard... He told us what it was. I told him I had access to it. We decided to take on...

Quest 15: "The Ultimate Battle"

Indeed it was! We decided to go for Shiva and Ifrit for the two eidolons. I had to plug in my charger at this point. When I entered Shiva's lair, I already saw one of my teammates collapsed on the ground. Yep... one hit kills. She was incredibly tough and I had to do a lot of avoiding and countering. My Counter move was great here. Don't get KO'd in one shot! After a lot of dying and reviving, I was eventually able to encase her!

We used teleport stones to go back to the spawn point and headed for Ifrit's lair. Yes, both eidolons and other enemies were really tough. The option for "Really Tough Enemies" was auto ticked and couldn't be removed. Joe said it was a real kick in the Tonberries!

Oh my gosh the Ifrit battle was freaking awesome and ended beautifully. We got some water and ice affinities done but it was still a long and tough battle with lots of KOs and revivals between all of us. Nova's death cry sounds pretty unsettling. It's even more unsettling when I'm the only one left standing. I was about to revive them both near the end when the "Encase" option popped up again and I decided to go for that. With this, they both revived anyway! It felt awesome!

I was declared MVP. I learned what "MVP" meant. I had seen it before on a t-shirt in Animal Crossing for the GameCube but forgot. It means "Most Valuable Player". What an honour! It was just such good fortune and felt really good to ride that wave! I was yatta-ing like Chun Li!

Quest 16: "Crystalyzer Road-Testing"

This was a nice easy way to unwind after the last one!

Quest 17: "Gigantuar Get!"

Had some fun times but still had a subquest quota to reach! :)

Thursday 24 March 2016

9 Sonic Chaos - Gigalopolis Zone Act 2, 100 Ring Strategy

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about this stage and getting 100 rings for the special stage.

Collect the few rings in front of you and try to jump after the first loop onto the second loop. If you don't land on top, there's a floating platform past the second loop where you can climb back up. You'll have over 30 rings at this point. To the left of the second loop and further left past the spikes are four 10 ring boxes past the bridge and another three 10 ring boxes underneath it. This is my favourite way of getting 100 rings here.

Wednesday 23 March 2016

8 Sonic Chaos - Special Stage 3, Green Chaos Emerald

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about the best way to complete this stage. It's a bit weird to see invincibility power ups in front of every pipe... There aren't even enemies here. I don't get it.

Anyway, there's not much to it, only hold UP when you go through the fifth pipe. Sonic will take a turn up and around into the chamber with the green chaos emerald.

Tuesday 22 March 2016

18 Final Fantasy Explorers - Monster Mashing Online With Joe And Nova

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about more online adventures with my American friends, Joe and Nova. An interesting quest was the one where we had to defeat any 50 monsters.

At this point, I was EL 84 Monk, Joe was EL 149 Beastmaster and Nova was EL 104 Samurai.

Quest 1: "Battle With a Sapient Thunderbolt"

When I joined Joe's room, he was out on this 10 star quest! That's the kind of thing I can look forward to later on!

I was still on 6 star quests and we did one while waiting for Nova.

Quest 2: "Divination 101"

I was surprised to see Joe had set tons of options for this but he said it was easy and he was right! It took us no time at all and he had a White Chocobo with him too.

Nova joined us after we came back to Libertas.

Quest 3: "The Yellow Dragon's Advance"

Joe's Coeurl came with us. It looks a bit like a small Yellow Dragon...

Quest 4: "Revisit West Amostra"

Not the widest area for exploration but I got to face Leviathan again! I wasn't able to beat it for the subquest though, as we only had to touch a point on the shore to complete the main quest. I did manage to pick up something it dropped just in time though, so that's something.

Nova reached the other point while Joe and I just chilled on the beach!

Quest 5: "Call Down the Storm!"

Odin KO'd me too many times with his Zantetsuken. In the end though, we managed to encase him. Now I can use Zantetsuken!

Quest 6: "Hit Up that Pot One More Time"

I wanted to summon the Magic Pots for a subquest, but Joe beat me to it! Gah! These little guys are tricky and often run away into thin air to escape.

Quest 7: "Gigantic Cactuar"

I had another subquest to defeat 5 of these giant cacti.

Quest 8: "Hit Up that Pot One More Time"

One more time, baby! I managed to clear the summon subquest too! :) They're tricky dickies and seemed trickier this time too.

Quest 9: "Giguantar Get!"

I asked "pretty please" to let me summon the Giguantar for a subquest and the others gracefully obliged! :)

Joe has some cool "Stop" inflicting gear that's very handy for getting risk-free hits on enemies.

Quest 10: "Do the Monster Mash!"

Any 50 monsters to defeat! Quite a lot to do! It was fun though, and Joe's Cactuar gained 7 levels during this quest. We fought Alexander during this quest too, though I guess it took longer. Nova sensibly went after regular enemies. Joe and I had fun though :)

Quest 11: "This Request Stinks"

Nice way to end our session! 3 Great Malboros together... They're so big too that you can't see the forest for them.

Pretty nice session and didn't have to use my charger at any point during it either! I did plug it in afterwards though.

Monday 21 March 2016

7 Sonic Chaos - Gigalopolis Zone Act 1, 100 Ring Strategy

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about this lovely night time cityscape stage with its starry sky. The best way to see the stars is to climb as high as you can go. That's where most of the rings are too!

From the start, keep running and past the spring until you come across four 10 ring boxes. Then go back and bounce up. Go right until you come to a floating platform that goes left and right. You can use this to climb up onto the upper left platform, which leads to another five 10 ring boxes. Alternatively, you can do the Super Peel-Out under the floating platform to run right up the ramp and get on top of the loop, where you'll find another four 10 ring boxes.

Sunday 20 March 2016

6 Sonic Chaos - Turquoise Hill Zone Act 3, Boss

Dear Readers

Today I'll talk about the boss of the first Zone, which is pretty easy!

On the way to the boss, if you take the highest path, you'll find a corkscrew with a few rings there.

The boss itself is a big Lady Bug bot with a spring on its back. It's pretty easy to beat, Just keep doing super spin dashes into its side!

Saturday 19 March 2016

5 Sonic Chaos - Special Stage 2, Yellow Chaos Emerald

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about this stage with the ascending pattern of platforms, which can be confusing to navigate due to the screen size.

There are two sets of platforms here where you're jumping from left to right as you ascend. The left set leads to some big rings. The right set leads to the yellow chaos emerald. On the right set, there are springs you should use at the highest point of their bounce in order to climb up and get the emerald. If you'd like to try and get the rings too, there's a time stopping block along the way that'll help.

It can be frustrating when you make a leap of faith and you just fall all the way to the bottom! This happened to me a lot!

Friday 18 March 2016

17 Final Fantasy Explorers - Endgame Therion and Grand Crystal, 6 Star Quests, Gilgamesh and Ultimate Otherworld Weapon Alpha Online With Joe And Nova

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about the endgame! But not the end of the game. I took it on with Nova and Joseph, bit by bit, quest by quest!

Nova was EL 96 Machinist, but often changed jobs during the session and Joe was EL 146 Beastmaster. I was an EL 82 Monk.

Quest 1: "Lords of Tides"

My second time facing Leviathan! For this I didn't do much attacking. I just wanted to see if I could avoid the tidal wave by hanging out on the ledges. My poor teammates took the wave every time. I'm sorry guys! If it's any consolation, they were pretty cool waves! It's a great view from those ledges indeed, but it does take a while to run up and back. At least Joe's Helldiver didn't get washed away. The beasts usually don't, so it seems they're handy in this fight.

Afterwards I obtained the Terra Magicite, Terra's Attire and the Apocalypse schematic from the Moogles.

Quest 2: "Demon Busters"

The options for "Tough Enemies" and "No Items" were ticked and I couldn't untick them here. That will happen with more advanced quests I suppose!

We appeared in an area with two big Devils. They were both pretty tough and took a while to beat. I could only imagine how tough Diabolos was going to be this time around.

He was very tough indeed! He can do an instant death move with these little bat groups he can summon. He got us all quite a few times. Together, we all whittled him down to near defeat and Joe encased him! Woo!

Quest 3: "Conquer the Grand Crystal"

The endgame quest! Everyone in town wished me luck when I went around mingling. The path to the Grand Crystal was now open and the surrounding area is really pretty! There are these shiny mystical looking bridges and paths. After exploring this gorgeous area for a while, we went into the Grand Crystal's entrance, which is a bright shining light.

There are many networking paths and bridges inside too and they can be a little confusing but fun. Some Chocobos were here too and Nova wasn't happy to see us fight them... Look, they're not as tame as they usually are in the Final Fantasy series! They've got some kick!

We finally arrived and fought the Therion. I died a couple of times but had great support in fighting it and we all conquered it together.

Following this, I got a nice cutscene with sparkly crystal energy raining everywhere and the people of Libertas looking all happy and waving.

After this, the credits rolled! Developer Racjin did a pretty good job on this game and just made it smooth and quite hassle free to play. Some nice artwork of the eidolons accompany the credits as they roll.

Some nice moments in the credits too like "All Fans of Final Fantasy" in the Special Thanks. :)

Matthew Mercer and Cherami Leigh were in the voice credits too! This kinda blew my mind, as I had seen their panels at a local convention just a couple of weeks ago! I didn't know who they were at all before this! I recognised their voices a bit though! :)

After the credits, Surama was looking at the crystal rain too and she didn't look unhappy, despite her concerns from earlier.

After this, I unlocked something. A dialogue box popped up and said "Starting with 6 Star quests, destroying eidolon components has a better chance of yielding items with high rarity."

So that's cool!

Meanwhile, Joseph and Nova were wondering where the heck I was. I was busy with the credits whereas they had seen the credits before. They were trying to get #wheresRocket trending and everything!

I eventually came back and talked to Cid, who congratulated me on conquering the Grand Crystal and gave me loads more quests to do, since there's all this new crystal energy around, raining from the sky.

At this point, I had to plug in the 3DS charger.

I unlocked the Tidus Magicite from the Moogles and also got Tidus' Attire and Brotherhood schematic.

Now on to the 6 star quests!

Quest 4: "Gilgamesh's Debut"

This one caught my eye, so we gave this a go. He's quite the goofball and made for a fun battle! Some of his attacks didn't work and some worked too well and the dialogue was quite humorous during the battle too! The Gilgamesh theme played during this battle so that was fun!

I tried out the Terra Magicite. She has an unusual voice, like that of an older lady.

Quest 5: "Revisit East Amostra"

Joe wanted to encase Alexander and luckily enough, this quest gave him a chance! Alexander was pretty tough though and KO'd me a few times with Divine Judgements. Joe encased him which was pretty cool! It wasn't what he was looking for, but still. Pretty good. I think I have access to this Magicite now too.

During this quest I tried the Tidus Magicite and he's not bad. Fought a Tonberry King in the swamp too.

Quest 6: "Ultimate Otherworld Weapon alpha"

Wow this thing was freaking unreal. It's a four legged machine and can do some serious damage. We needed every moment of time to beat it. Joe figured out a strategy for it, so hopefully it won't be as close for us in future! You have to damage all its legs before you can get hits on the main body, or at least that's what we've come up with. It was neat with the battle theme from Final Fantasy V playing in the background too!

Quest 7 "Give Me Wings to Fly"

Joe just ran off fighting Malboros. Nova and I had to do all the work in finding the birds and other alates! We had to trek all along the east part of Amostra from our spawn point. We came across other winged creatures like those gargoyle/devil like ones, but they didn't count as alates! We eventually completed the quota for the quest with bats at the foot of Mount Hibat.

So that's it! Very eventful session! I assume that was the endgame a while ago when the credits rolled. I could be wrong. We'll find out soon enough!

Thursday 17 March 2016

4 Sonic Chaos - Turquoise Hill Zone Act 2, 100 Ring Strategy

Dear Readers,

Today I'll discuss a strategy to get 100 rings in the second stage of the game.

It's good to follow that line of rings all the way down, because you can get some more below and break the wall to the left and get an extra life. Make sure you go back up though, as there are more rings on the upper path. On the tops of loops there are more clusters of rings. Drop down at the second corkscrew to land on top of one of them.

Wednesday 16 March 2016

3 Sonic Chaos - Special Stage 1

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about this stage, which is nice and straightforward!

Just use the Rocket Shoes and away you go! Collecting rings on the way to the chaos emerald. Nothing's in your way. There is an interesting pattern spelled out with the rings. They spell out SHIMA, RAY and 500. I looked this up and these three are the names of the designers who worked on this game! I wonder if 500 is goroawase or something similar?

Tuesday 15 March 2016

16 Final Fantasy Explorers - More Subquesting Online With Joseph And Nova, Cid And The Megacrystals

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about what Cid did with the Megacrystals and about more online adventures with Joseph and Nova. Nova now had access to quests that I didn't have yet! Oh well. I'll catch up! Nova was EL 94, Joe was EL 145 and I was EL 80.

Quest 1: "Bolt of Surging Fury"

I was trying to complete subquests again!

Quest 2: "Fire and Ice Showdown!"

Kind of a tough one for me as I died a few times. I had very good healers though!

Back in Libertas, some interesting dialogue from both Father Clemeus and Soltis. Father Clemeus said I'm the chosen one to defeat Therion, whereas Soltis — being of the Naravean Church — said I'm the one to awaken Therion so that it may bring about its judgement. Religions with opposing views? What a concept!

Quest 3: "Dragons for a Booming Business"

During this quest, Joe went off to face the dragon in the west on his own, while Nova and I went to face the dragon nearest to our spawn area. The dragon we faced had smaller enemies around him and I'm not sure I ever saw them before... or at least not their palette. I hope I didn't miss out on bestiary entries or anything by leaving Joe go on his own...

Anway, after we defeated our dragon, Nova and I used Teleport Stones and met Joe back at the spawn point in Maxon. Then we trekked together all the way to Mount Hibat to fight the last one.

I liked it. Nice and adventuresome!

After this quest, I had to plug in my 3DS charger.

Joe said he uses all those collected Leech Bat atmaliths to forge Thief's Anklets. He said there's a random chance they'll have +10 Absorb HP and +10 Absorb MP. You just have to keep making them and be lucky enough. Wow. It's like some kind of lottery. I made a few, but didn't get much. They do vary in stats when you make them alright.

Anyway, Cid told me the energy barrier blocking the entrance to the Grand Crystal is gone. He said he had to use his Crystalizer and the Megacrystals as some kind of bomb to blow it up. He said it's ok as he's retired. He made some kind of sacrifice.

Quest 4: "Eidolon Battle Research"

I asked Joe and Nova if we could go for Ramuh and Bahamut, due to my subquests being almost complete for them and I just needed to defeat one of each. They graciously complied :)

We faced Bahamut and I died far too many times to him! Eventually we beat Ramuh as well and my subquests for both were complete! Yay!

Quest 5: "Crimson Zantetsuken"

Nice quick quest to end the evening and I didn't die this time!

Joe talked a little about being a Beastmaster. He said he just fused his level 50 Helldiver with a level 1 because it had better stats, so now it's level 25 but with slightly more potential. Hmm... It seems there are a lot of ways to grow in this game.

As for me, I ought to study mutations a bit.

Monday 14 March 2016

6 Fantasy Zone - Fast Offensive Strategies!

Dear Readers,

There's a YouTube walkthrough for this game that's 8 minutes and 55 seconds long! Amazing isn't it? I guess since there's no autoscrolling in this shmup, it would take a lot shorter to play through than other ones. The bosses too, since the ones I've seen can be beaten in one hit with the right weapon, you could plow through this game very quickly if you were skilled enough!

So I guess it's best to always have a very strong offence to make the stages go quickly. That makes sense, as taking a long while often stirs a lot of trouble e.g. the bosses bum rushing you if you take too long on them.

What I've generally been doing in a recent session is buying Laser Beams and 7 Way Shots whenever possible. This tears through bases quickly and the SEL balloon always appears when one of them runs out. Except during bosses of course.

Heavy Bombs then are good for some of the earlier bosses and of course, the Fire Bomb is great on Round 4 for all those ground bases.

So yeah, I can now beat the first few levels fairly quickly and handily! So far, I've only learned about the first 4 Rounds. I need to practise more after that.

Sunday 13 March 2016

2 Sonic Chaos - Turquoise Hill Zone Act 1, 100 Ring Strategy

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about the first level in the game and a strategy to collect 100 rings.

It seems the best way is to be as high up in the air as possible. On various floating islands and on top of loops, you'll find generous helpings of rings. On one in particular, there are 4 10-Ring boxes in a row. This should help get to the special stage!

Saturday 12 March 2016

1 Sonic Chaos - Game Beaten With 3 Chaos Emeralds

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about playing this game on my AtGames SEGA Arcade Gamer Portable.

The game is very fair in its difficulty I find, but it can be tough to collect chaos emeralds. I completed a session recently with only 3 of the 5 to be obtained through special stages. I had a few chances to get the 4th one but I haven't sussed its special stage yet! It's this long plain with many springs that push you back. The emerald itself is on top of a platform I can only reach with a bit of extra height, probably with the Rocket Shoes. I kept failing in this however and ran out of time!

Eventually when I beat Dr. Robotnik, I got the bad ending and a big "TRY AGAIN" was there. It also had Sonic falling flat on his face. How humiliating!

Friday 11 March 2016

15 Final Fantasy Explorers - Gathering 3 Megacrystals Online With Joseph And Nova

Dear Readers,

Nova has surpassed me! They're now at EL 80 and a Ranger. I'm EL 78! Joe's EL 138. Today I'll talk about gathering the Megacrystals and doing some other quests.

Quest 1: "A Bitter Pill"

Nova's still looking for a Malboro Eyeball. I don't mind because I happen to be subquesting for Great Malboros!

Quest 2: "A Bitter Pill"

Not sure how many of these we did. I did complete the subquest though. I also maxed out mutations on my Chakra move. You're only allowed to have 16! I'm gonna try and stack 16 Recover HP mutations. Would a Regen be good to have too though? Decisions decisions!

Nova still didn't get any Malboro Eyeballs. I have some but I'm not able to give any to other players, unfortunately. I had like 3 of them.

Quest 3: "Freezing Fangs"

At some stage, Nova switched to White Mage. I still haven't switched jobs.

Quest 4: "Bolt of Surging Fury"

A weird moment happened when I revived Nova and then got KO'd myself. It's like I sacrificed myself or something!

Quest 5: "Azure Megacrystal"

The Dragon Zombie was just a palette swap of another dragon. It wasn't all bones like the Dragon Zombie in Mystic Quest/Final Fantasy Adventure.(Still my favourite Square game!)

Joe's big into Marvel stuff and he was geeking out over the fact that there are Marvel characters with all our names: Rocket, Joeseph and Nova. Rocket Raccoon of course! I haven't seen the movie in which he appears though. I'm not that big into Marvel but some of the movies are pretty good! I think Joe will eventually get me into them more!

Quest 6: "Crimson Megacrystal"

Joe is hunting for Leech Bat atmaliths all the time.

Back in Libertas, the saucy Beatrice told me she'd give Ardo a spanking if he didn't tell me about the location of the remaining Megacrystal. Ardo caved and told me that a Tonberry King had it. He was gonna get it himself, but the Tonberry King kicked his butt.

Quest 7: "A Bitter Pill"

Nova's still hunting for Malboro Eyeballs!

Quest 8: "Verdant Megacrystal"

Joe wondered if "Centaurion" was a typo. I reckon it's spelled that way because they have bovine horns.

So anyway, Cid became delighted that I got all three Megacrystals. Sophia suggested using a Crystalizer to break open a way to the Grand Crystal but that it was dangerous. Cid then asked me to give the Megacrystals to him, whatever he'll do with them. I guess I'll find out more next time!

Thursday 10 March 2016

5 Fantasy Zone - Sussing Dolimicca(Super Planet) Round 4, Perfect For Fire Bomb!

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about coming up with a strategy for Dolimicca, which has all its 6 bases on the ground! Aha!

The bases are all in a straight line, so it makes sense to buy a Fire Bomb and chase it as it tears through all of them, right?

The boss is this giant fish with an open mouth of teeth. The tongue is its weak spot and a heavy bomb will take care of it. How to switch to the heavy bomb though if you've used the fire bomb? I suppose it's best to tear through 5 bases and wait for the yellow SEL balloon to appear, then choose the heavy bombs and whatever else. Then, to destroy the last base before facing the boss.

Wednesday 9 March 2016

4 Fantasy Zone - Sussing La Dune(Planet of Sand) Round 3, Using Some In-Game Terminology

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about intel I've gathered while playing the third stage, or Round 3 as the game calls it. I guess I should use the terminology the game and instruction manual uses. The instruction manual I have is just for the AtGames portable, so it doesn't go into too much detail on much of anything besides controls and general description. I found a scan of the original release's instruction manual on though. That's a great and very useful website! :)

The spiral enemies I saw on Round 2 or Tabas(Planet of Fire) are called C-Souls. On La Dune, the most troublesome enemies I find are the Goro, which are these groups of three balls that move in an upward/downward pattern on the screen. They stay onscreen when you move left or right, so they're tricky to deal with. The 7 Way Shot is handy for them.

6 Bases here too.

The boss here has all these tiny nasty laser cannons. It's best to take them all out in one hit with a heavy bomb! It might take a second one, depending on your aim.

Tuesday 8 March 2016

14 Final Fantasy Explorers - More Five Star Quests Online With Joe And Nova

Dear Readers,

Bix is now Nova. They were EL 73 at this point, just three behind me at EL 76. Joe was EL 137. Today I'll talk about more of our online adventures.

Quest 1: "The Monsters' Grudge"

Joe had his Cactuar along for this one. Pretty cool to have! It casts a spell that makes us run faster! I got killed by a Tonberry King twice during this quest. They can be deadly alright. Finally got use out of a Teleport Stone too. I had a surplus of them!

Quest 2: "A Bitter Pill"

Nova looked a bit like Dillon from the Rolling Western Games.

After this, Joe was having a snack so I decided to do the Mastery Trial for my job as a Monk.

Quest 3: "Mastery Trials: Monk"

The 3 Behemoths weren't too difficult but I did die to them a couple of times.

I got some kind of item for doing this but I didn't notice anything else special... Not sure what's going on.

Quest 4: "A Bitter Pill"

Nova was trying to hunt for a Malboro Eye or something so we did this again.

Quest 5: "Gigantic Cactuar"

Summoning a Gigantuar was one of my subquests. I thought I'd have a chance to summon it here but it was already pre-summoned. Oh well.

Quest 6: "Savior's Favor"

I picked this to beat the subquest for hunting Odins!

Quest 7: "Doing a Fine Job"

I made the mistake again of picking a quest where they were pre-summoned. This time it was Magic Pots. They're little jerks.

I was pretty tired at this point, so I just mingled a bit around Libertas before saying goodnight to Joe and Nova.

Ludio told me about a fiercely glowing crystal after he defeated a Dragon Zombie. Rosaria then told me about a huge Bomb that has crystal ore. That Rosaria has a bit of 'tude. She must be one of those tsunderes. Not exactly the type of girl I like to dream about.

Anyway, it was time for bed!

Monday 7 March 2016

3 Fantasy Zone - Sussing The Second Stage

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about intel I've gathered while playing the second level so I can come up with a strategy.

Six bases here again. I guess that's for all the levels? Not sure yet, I'll check them out as they come. The enemies aren't too difficult here, although there is one tricky one that twirls in a group to make a spirally pattern.

The boss however is shielded up to the max with these round things surrounding him. It's annoying trying to shoot between the tiny cracks to take out the little spinning weak points and it often takes so long that he just decides to bum rush me before I can beat him. Smart bombs are completely useless, but 2-3 heavy bombs really do the trick! I'd always want to at least have this many before I ever face him again.

Strategy is developing! :)

Sunday 6 March 2016

2 Fantasy Zone - Sussing The First Stage

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about some intel I've gathered while playing the first level. I had to buy a lot of extra ships while trying to learn what I was up against!

There are 6 bases on the first stage and each of them take 16 shots with the normal weapon or 4 of the bombs. The normal enemies aren't too difficult to deal with.

The boss is this big block of wood that spews bullets at me. If I go to close to it, the bullets bounce back off the wall behind. It's tricky to dodge at times so it's worth having some kind of speed power up. The weak spot is its open mouth.

They heavy bombs are great and can instantly destroy bases, but I can only afford so many of them. Not sure what the best strategy for this stage is yet.

Saturday 5 March 2016

1 Fantasy Zone - Short First Sessions!

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about playing the first few brief sessions of the SEGA Master System version of Fantasy Zone! I'm playing this on the SEGA AtGames Arcade Gamer Portable.

The first few sessions were brief indeed! It's a very hard game, though it looks as cute as a button. After destroying two of those bases, the shop appears. Or at least it seems to when I get $2,000 in coins. I didn't know what was what yet, so I chose the Laser Beam.

Wow! it's a pretty good weapon and tears through the other bases! Only thing is though, it runs out and it disappears if you die, even if you have it unequipped. The price also inflates the more you buy it. Kind of a dilemma.

After several game overs I just stared at the title screen and the demos played for a while. After demos of the first 7 stages play, the story text scrolls from the title screen. It talks about the enemy trying to take over the Fantasy Zone by taking advantage of the collapsing interplanetary monetary system. No wonder shopping is so difficult!

Friday 4 March 2016

13 Final Fantasy Explorers - 3DS XL Water Damaged :( Five Star Quests With Joe And Bix

Dear Readers,

Disaster befell me recently. My 3DS XL got water damaged from a bottle of water I didn't close properly and put in my bag while in a hurry. Now it won't work :(

Fortunately, I kept my old 3DS after I bought and transferred to the XL. I was able to use this to continue playing this game with Joe and Bix.

I had to do two system updates, configure internet settings and make a Mii. I didn't have to make a Nintendo Network ID. I need one however for the YouTube application and Nintendo Anime Channel. I miss using them so much! I also miss the larger screen and using my Circle Pad Pro XL. I don't have the max 300 Play Coins either. Also, if this game was digitally downloaded instead of a physical copy, I wouldn't be able to play right now!

Anyway, I got all set up and ready to go and joined up with Joe.

Quest 1: "Cloaked in Darkest Ebony"

Diabolos is still pretty tough. Joe did most of the work!

On returning from this quest, Shion told me about Odin attacking him. 

Quest 2: "Freezing Fangs"
Quest 3: "Zantetsu Master"

This was my first time facing Odin. I activated the Beckoned Bolts cataclysm for the first time too.

After this, Cid told me about the path to the Grand Crystal and that there's another barrier there.

Soltis told me more about the Grand Crystal and Therion's seal. Something about a woman knight of the Knight's Orthodox church too.

Grauser gave me some subquests too. All about summoning enemies and defeating 3 of each of the eidolons.

Quest 4: "Savior's Favor" 

During this I got to see what the Beckoned Bolts cataclysm did, as it was too late to check it out last time. It wasn't as cool as the earlier ones with the sea or the desert cyclone.

All four star quests were now complete!

After this, Bix joined us.

Quest 5: "Sovereign of the Skies"

Bahamut's pretty tough! It's time to run away when Megaflare happens. Managed to pass the 700 Resonance subquest during this.

Quest 6: "Aptitude Exam: Dragoon & Sage"

Lots of monsters were defeated by the others during this quest. Found lots of spoils and pressies around the countryside!

Quest 7: "A Bitter Pill"

Bix was able to do this tornado ability that looked cool. It's a Ninja ability.

Quest 8: "Zantetsu Master"

I tried to encase Odin but alas, I failed. Next time maybe.

Quest 9: "Sacred Citadel"

After facing Alexander again, I chatted with Fierty. She told us about what she can do to help us get to the Grand Crystal. Something about the church library.

Quest 10: "The Hour of Trial"

Flan Princess was here. It's fun to hunt them!

After this, Father Clemeus arrived in Libertas and talked about the Grand Crystal. Cid told me about Megacrystals.

Quest 11: "Gigantic Cactuar"

While fighting Gigantaur, Bix did the cataclysm and it warped us back to the start point of the area! I must keep aware of that in future!

Thursday 3 March 2016

12 Final Fantasy Explorers - Sephiroth Died And It's All My Fault

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about more online adventures that Bix, Joe and I went on. I unlocked Tifa, one of the most famous Monks in the series!

While Joe waited for me to pick a quest, he took a jog around the crystal. Warm up :)

At this stage I was at EL 65 and he was at EL 126.

Quest 1: "Aptitude Exam: Dragoon & Sage"

Joe had a Land Turtle along. It was pretty cool.

GDG was gonna come along, but didn't make it. Later on, Joe made some funny skits by putting humorous text in some screenshots he took while playing with him!

Quest 2: "A Bitter Pill"

Facing a Giant Malboro sounded scary. We managed it well enough. I died once and got loads of status effects. Had to revive myself but Joe was on the other side of the big tree. He had a cute and unicorn-like White Chocobo along to help.

Bix then joined us. They were at EL 33 at this point.

Quest 3: "Guardian of the Sacred Tree"

I wasn't able to encase Alexander this time either. Hrmm...

Quest 4: "Aptitude Exam: Ninja & Bard"

Bix was showing off their Black Mage skills.

Quest 5: "A Legendary Knight"

Bix said this one looked scary. I did too when I first took it on, but now I love it! With this there are dragons EVERYWHERE and it makes things pretty exciting! It's intimidating to see so many in the same place but when you get the hang of it, it's fun. Good for clearing the dragon subquests too.

Quest 6: "Red-Hot Garden of Drifting Sparks"

Bix tried out the Ninja job. I was a bit slow on this quest but I caught up. Joe did this cute thing where he claimed a tiny island for his own. :)

Quest 7: "Explore East Amostra"

This was a nice fun quest with lots of exploring. We went into the cyclone at the desert as well.

Quest 8: "Requiem for the Seeker"

Tonberries can be tricky with their knives.

Quest 9: "The Ice Queen's Waterfall Waltz"

Shiva's pretty easy to die to in this quest. I got caught in some of her blasts and died 3 or 4 times.

Quest 10: "Bolt of Surging Fury"

Joe liked to hang out on the cliff and enjoy the view. It was like something out of The Lion King (it's the ciirrrrrrrrrcle of liiiiiiiife!:) ). Anyway, Ramuh was pretty powerful here. So powerful, his lightning bolt made us all disconnect!(that's my story anyway!) I had to face him by myself when I got disconnected from the others. I guess they had to face him by themselves too in their game sessions. I did manage to defeat what was left of him thankfully!

Quest 11: "Guidance from Above"

Bix was miffed at me for "Killing Sephy". Who's Sephy? Well, it was Joe using Magicite to turn into Sephiroth! What I did was use the 1,000 Needles Crystal Surge. All of our hits inflict 1,000 damage, but it's the same for damage inflicted on US, so Amaterasu killed Sephy, er... I mean Joe and Bix held me responsible! Whoops! I did revive them both with Phoenix Downs though!

So yeah, "Sephy" was sent back to his mom. :P

On the bright side, I managed to encase Amaterasu. Yipee! :)

Quest 12: "The Immortal Firebird Returns"

The Ice Affinity Surge is handy for Phoenix. I got the 1,000 Needles surge in this quest too! Hehe!

After this, the Moogles gave me the Premium Heart schematic and Tifa's Attire.

I forged myself the Premium Heart and we went on to the next quest.

Quest 13: "Invitation from a Twisted Sister"

The Fire Affinity came in handy here. I managed to dodge her earthquake move just in time too.

After this I "Obtained Tifa" from the Moogle Merchant. If only, amirite? ;)

But no it's just the Magicite that summons her and lets me use Final Heaven.

Quest 14: "Class Zero"

At this stage, Bix and I were about the same when picking new quests, so it was fresh for both of us.

Quest 15: "Bomb Island Ahoy!"

I tried to get Joe into the cheer circle to do the Water Affinity Surge, but he was too far ahead to notice. Bix turned off targetting in the quest options!

Quest 16: "Monarch of Hell"

Got another Water Affinity Surge here. Nice and handy, even without targetting, BIX!

Quest 17: "Drive Out the Unclean!"

Finally got to try out Final Heaven here! It's not too bad a move.

Wednesday 2 March 2016

38 Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam Bros - Climbing Mount Brrr To Toad Village

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about our mountain maze climbing to the local Toad Village. It's pretty remote.

Now to climb the maze path to the local Toad Village while Toadette watched us from below. How will she get up there? For that matter, how did she get up this far even? Anyway, I gave the Heart Boots to Mario. I found some Metal Gloves but didn't equip them on anyone.

We climbed halfway up the path and came across a big puzzle. Toadette yelled up at us from below and told us that if we solved it, we'd open up the way to the village. There were some instructions on the wall regarding it. It wasn't too difficult, just move the blue crescent stone block into its slot with the drill dash. Some platforms slid out with the symbol on it, opening up some paths. One of the local Toads above was startled to see things move.

We headed back below to take the newly formed crossing and met more enemies. Those Bullies are much easier to deal with than they are in Super Mario 64! Keeping them alive to do their dodge challenge isn't easy though, as they're a hazard to themselves, just like most bullies. The Paper Sombrero Guy actually attacks too! He much prefers to run away though... We climbed up and headed back right to the previous screen.

Up here, we hit the ! block and the stone barrier between the puzzles dissipated. This red circle one wasn't too difficult either and we made more platforms appear. The Toad above was jumping about excitedly!

Two paths were now open, one to the Toad above and the other back in to the cave to the right. We went that way for now.

Man, those Buzzy Beetles take ages to defeat sometimes! Especially if there's three of them and they all withdraw to stop taking damage.

Unfortunately we fell and had to take the long way around to come back. Along the way, we saw Toadette with a quill pen, designing her latest papercraft idea. She was keeping herself busy while we were making a path to the Toad Village.

Anyway, back to the cave, where we found a Paper SPEED Bracelet, which was our reward for avoiding the buried saw blades. I didn't equip it.

At this point, the game suggested taking a break on the pause screen. In a minute! Hang on!

We made our way back and continued to where we saw the local Toad. Climbing all the way up this mountain kind of put me in a reflective mood. Zelda dungeons have that same effect on me too. Lovely accompanying music to fit the situation too.

"Hey you made it all the way up here! Nice job!" the Toad says. He adds that he's never seen the platforms slide out from the mountain wall like that before. I guess no one's done the puzzle in a long while.

So onward to Mount Brrr Toad Village!

Tuesday 1 March 2016

37 Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam Bros - Exploring Mount Brrr, Cool Trio Drill Mazes

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about exploring Mount Brrr and doing all this cool stuff with Trio Drill, the new move we learn here.

On the platforms to the left I found a Singular Hammer and gave it to Luigi. I gave Mario the Fighter Hammer Luigi had. Inside a crevice I found some Speed Gloves but didn't equip them.

When we step onto some slippery ice, we skate straight across on our tummies while spinning. It looks really cool! Pardon the pun! It may not be so cool if it inconveniences us later on though.

Up here we met some Buzzy Beetles. They retreat into their shells after being attacked, making them invulnerable. They also get hurt from the Fire Flower attack. NOT CANON! They attack by spinning into us. If we counter them while they're spinning fast we end up dizzy.

Before going to the next screen, we heard a thump. Venturing further, we heard it again and looked up. Meanwhile, on the Mount Brrr Summit, King Bob-omb ordered his troops to fire. Morton, Iggy and Lemmy were up here too. One of the cannons fired papercraft hills into Sunbeam Plains and the other one fired Paper Spikes and Paper Paratroopas into Doop Doop Dunes. They all have great voices! King Bob-omb himself sounds just like he did in Super Mario 64! Nice touch :)

Some of the papercraft scenery narrowly missed landing on top of us, but it blocked the way ahead. Suddenly, we all came up with an idea for a new move! The Super Mario Bros 1-1 reprise music started up again!

It's the Trio Drill! With this, we can dig underground and travel along this way. Finally, we can use those dirt paths along walls and excavate those X spots in the ground we saw throughout the whole game! It's gonna be a lot of backtracking!

The next screen in the cave gives us a great chance to use this new move up walls. There are cracked parts in the wall where we can use the charge move and there is a part where we have to avoid spinning sawblades. This made me feel like this was really clever and something special :) in any case, it made me love the game that much more! Nice zoomed out part while manoeuvring a little buried maze too. Nice fresh part of the game!

There's an exit out of the cave up along and we could hear voices. It was Bowser Jr. and Paper Bowser Jr. enjoying the view and talking about their new papercraft! They go back to it. All of a sudden, Toadette popped up behind us! "I knew it!" she said. "That's bad news with a capital B! And N!". She then asked us to find more Paper Toads and to climb the puzzling path to the local Toad Village.

I decided to go back down and see what was out the right hand exit of the cave. Here I found a Bully and a Paper Sombrero Guy. The latter of whom runs away! How am I going to pass the dodge challenge for him?

Anyway, there's a dead end here, so we headed back.