Tuesday 31 May 2016


Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about this new event course that features the Sanrio characters Kitty and Melody. I know Kitty alright, but I have no idea who Melody is. They're both cute as buttons though.

There are two paths to take in this ground based stage. Left is for Kitty, right is for Melody. They both have nice jump sound effects and cartoony speed lines when they run. The stage has some nice patterns in the shape of Hello Kitty and flowers and fruit and there's one coin room to look out for as Kitty.

The chime that plays when you get the flag is the same one as Mario but with a gentle xylophone like instrument.

Monday 30 May 2016


Dear Readers,

Today I'll continue from where I left off. Touka wasn't quite finished with me yet. Not at all in fact. I spent a lot longer in the altar room with her that night until she really finished me off. Exhausted, We bid one another good night and I went back to Renka in our futon. She looked beautiful there when she greeted me. I snuggled up into her arm and we both went to sleep for the night.

After this, a theme song played! The whole thing was set up and edited to be an anime intro. It has vocals and is well edited, but has no animation apart from these edit effects. The tune is the same as the title screen one. Pretty feel good stuff :)

The next day, Touka called a serious meeting. She was picking a candidate to be the next Milk Priestess and wanted me to help. I have a role in this since I'm in the family line and I also have a key role in the candidate's breast training. Wow what a job! It was here that I had choices. I could choose between Renka, Rinka and Momoka or say I couldn't decide. I didn't know what to pick; I loved all the characters, so I chose that I couldn't decide.

With this choice it lead to me getting a bit of my own training from Touka! The others left the altar room and this training included sex with her. It was another lovely looking scene. What really got me the most was her telling me how much she loved me towards the end and me saying the same back to her. It was beautiful :)

I thought the scene was over but... nope! Now she wanted to do it again, but with her on top this time! OMG this game keeps on giving! I decided to save here though and play again another time. Ahhhh, bliss!

Sunday 29 May 2016


Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about finding the rest of the endings in this visual novel.

The seventh ending I got was "Lilian princess of destruction". This came about when I refused to help Ashley. I then went back to Lilian, who then enslaved me with her powers and made me carry out awful things in the name of her revenge.

The eighth and final ending is "Lilian Ashley Trick and Treat". It took a while to find the path to this one, but you know what it is when it says "It is then that I notice a path I haven't seen before" and the skip command becomes unavailable again. I quite like this in Ren'Py games, but I wish I could jump instead of the "fast forward" effect the skip command has.

Anyway, on this path I found a toy knight with the name "Lilian" engraved on it. It's her long lost toy! This would turn out to be the key to the best ending in the game! No one gets killed and the expected clashes from some of the other endings come up, but we all talk it through and it ends with some bittersweet farewells. I made it out of the forest safely too.

The credits roll and I got kind of a sad feeling. I can only imagine if someone's playing this game years from now and feels they're missing out on something. If that's you, first of all, here's a *hug* for you. Secondly, wait until after the credits! There's a wonderful scene afterwards that points to a hopeful and happy beginning in the protagonist's life!

Saturday 28 May 2016


Dear Readers,

I tried another go at Super Columns today. I still can't get past the first level in the story mode! I did get a little better though and good enough to get that special item that flips the gems upside down. Again I'll have to look up the instructions to see what else it does.

I'd like to learn about some way to avoid getting the rubbish columns. They're really messing me up... What I've been able to do so far is hold off on dropping them and hoping maybe they'll disappear before landing. It's the one time I'll be thankful for my disappearing pieces.

Friday 27 May 2016


Dear Readers,

At this stage Joe was EL 281 White Mage and I was EL 114 Monk.

Quest 1: "Blinding Bolt of Judgement"

Ultimate Ramuh. He was pretty tough! We both died quite a bit in this fight but we managed to pull through and encase him.

After this I unlocked the next Alexander quest! Finally! Now was my chance to get the elusive Inviolable Panel!

Quest 2: "Destroy the Sacred Defender"

No luck in getting the item from him this time... I took to Google and looked up any tips for getting him to drop what I wanted.

Quest 3: "Destroy the Sacred Defender"

Second attempt! I read that you can get the drop if you break Alexander's shoulders, so I climbed up the tree to reach them. He was on to me though and did this spin move that KO'd me in one hit! Joe was wondering where the heck I was when he was trying to revive me.

Unfortunately, I didn't get my drop this time either.

Quest 4: "Destroy the Sacred Defender"

Third attempt! Between us, we managed to smash one of Alexander's shoulders this time, though I don't know if that's what got me the drop! In any case, I finally got it! I finally got the Inviolable Panel I needed!

Back in Libertas I had the Deus Ex Machina made for me with the materials I had collected. My fists looked like robot fists now! It also increased my physical attack by 27 points. That should come in handy!

Quest 5: "Tonight's Sublime Main Dish"

Dryad wasn't too difficult. Her spinning vine move was enough to KO me though.

Quest 6: "The Immortal Bird's Legend Ends"

We got on very well here against Phoenix. Ice Affinity helps a lot against it.

Quest 7: "The Ultimate Howl at the Moon"

Fenrir always seems to kick our butts! I ran out of Phoenix Downs so I couldn't revive Joe either. Gah! We did manage to defeat it though. Come back Nova! We need your muscle!

Quest 8: "Fall Not into the Abyss"

This is a tangent, but isn't title case the weirdest thing? Some words are capitalised, but some aren't. The name of this quest for example. "Fall", "Not" and "Abyss" are capitalised, but "into" and "the" aren't. I think I'd rather capitalise every letter, like I've started to do with my blog posts.

Anyway, off we went to fight Diabolos. I spent a lot of the fight running away from his black hole vacuum and instant death moves. At the end, I was able to revive Joe by encasing Diabolos. I love doing that actually, especially when there's a group of people that need to be revived!

So that's it. I finally got my new Knuckle weapons and they are a bit stronger than my previous ones. We missed Nova this time but we'll all band together again sometime soon!

Thursday 26 May 2016


Dear Readers,

Today I'll go back to this visual novel because I had some questions. About Lilian, about the voice, about the cabin. There were more endings to get too, so I made different choices.

I decided not to trust Ashley when I met her and followed the voice instead. This led me back to the cabin again but the horrific scene from the other ending wasn't here anymore. Instead there was a blonde girl with blue eyes, Lilian!

Lilian turned out to be the voice and was being very romantic and charming towards me. She's very pretty on the outside, but I knew from before that there was something wrong with her on the inside. This opened up the way for more endings.

The fifth ending I got was "The last sacrifice". This is where I gave in to Lilian's charms and paid for it with my life. Ashley came to save the day, but it was too late to save me.

The sixth ending I got was "Ashley the end of the curse". This is where I resisted Lilian. When Ashley came this time, there was hope. A big fight took place on this path and I got kisses from the girls as well. I learned all about Lilian's tragic story too. Eventually I made it back to my friends. We went back to living our boring lives until I met a cat that reminded me so much of Ashley, I decided to adopt her as a pet. It ended sweetly, but it was kind of sad too.

Wednesday 25 May 2016


Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about this visual novel developed by Rapapuru and translated by Lv1 Translations. I love harem sitcoms and huge bosoms so this is very well suited to me! It's also an adult oriented one, but I won't get explicit. All the women in this have huge breasts and they're all really beautiful, so I'm not sure if there will be an ending that I won't like!

The music is quite enjoyable. The title screen music makes it sound like an exciting arcade game. The daytime outdoor music has a nice upbeat tune and the panicked and comedic moments have a good tune as well, kind of reminiscent of a funny moment in Mystical Ninja games.

I start as the protagonist Ukyou and his mother Renka on our way to the Milk Shrine. I'm full of fun and energy and she is relaxed and kind and her voice acting reflects this. We're very fond of each other and I suppose she spoils me, but I don't act like a rotten brat.

We arrive at the shrine and meet Rinka, a girl that I knew from my childhood, though she's a teenager now. She has a shy and gentle personality and has very pretty long blue hair and bangs. She has a soft and meek voice.

We also meet Momoka, my aunt. I wasn't sure if I was going to like her at first but she has a great and outgoing personality! She has red hair and a brash, laughing voice. She greets me by hugging my face into her bosom, making it all dark and she continues to tease me throughout the game. My mother joins in too and it's quite fun to see them push my character's buttons!

There are no major inhibitions among the characters about their large breasts, they always play it off with good humour and fun, and that is a lovely thing. A place like the Milk Shrine seems like a good sanctuary of sorts for them to be themselves I suppose.

The only inhibition is with Rinka, whom I meet again by accident in the hot spring, except she's much bigger than before. She had been binding her breasts because she was a little embarrassed by me seeing them. I speak to her with words of kindness and love and it's quite sweet. I love how my character is so sweet natured!

Afterwards, we all go to the dinner table. We also meet the very beautiful and young grandmother Touka, who has long blonde hair and also has the largest breasts. She's the priestess of this temple and has a traditionalist, but kind and gentle personality. Her voice acting reflects this. Momoka teases me by feeding me loads of tomatoes, my least favourite food, and a fun scene plays out at the dinner table. In real life I'm not that fond of tomatoes either and find them really bitter without salt.

Touka had arranged to meet me alone at the altar later on that night. A beautiful scene plays out when she asks me to do something for her. Really beautiful!

I reached this point before saving. No choices came up yet. I am enjoying it a lot though! Everything's nice about this game, even the peach bosom shaped prompt at the end of every fill of the text box.

I had to change language settings on my computer to play this though and that was interesting. Fortunately, the translator was very helpful with this and the visual novel fan community is generally awesome and helpful with this too.

Tuesday 24 May 2016


Course ID: F05F-0000-0013-3512

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about this level by boogie. I gotta ask, is this Boogie2988 of YouTube? I don't know for sure. Other user comments are calling him Francis so I'll just assume that it is for now. Anyway, he makes some pretty great levels! I'll start blogging about his first one.

It's an auto scrolling Mario 3 ground level. Straight away you gotta get out of the way of these two Goombas about to drop on top of you! I died a few times around here between the Goombas and the Bob-Omb hidden in the uppermost block of the pyramid like structure. There are Super Mushrooms in these blocks so I nabbed one of them. Further on there are Fire Flowers.

Lots of Koopa Troopas on the platform up ahead! What I did here was just stomp a couple and kick them in either direction. Cleared the rest out then. In the structure ahead I got a Star Man! This was extremely handy as there were Hammer Bros locked in a safe spot. When you have to deal with an auto scrolling stage, you have to spend more time avoiding hammers! This is why getting the Star Man is the best strategy here.

Afterwards, there were these horizontally moving platforms with Red Koopa Troopas on them. It's really cool to see them move in line with the stage's own auto scrolling! This is the kind of thing you'd expect to see in the original game!

Then it's a bit nerve wracking as the only way further is this skull platform that travels a bit before collapsing. Thankfully there were more platforms ahead that I could jump on. There was a POW block here too and also Lakitu, whom I didn't see until I got hit by one of his Spinies. I hijacked his cloud and went on to beat the level. It's really good!

I don't know if I've said it yet, but I love how blue the sky is. This is what it was like on NES if you had a way to play it in something like full RGB.

Monday 23 May 2016


Dear Readers,

Finally, the arcade in my local city has Out Run 2! I've been wanting it there for years among all of their other driving and shooting games. Why not have one that's good? I'm glad it's there now.

I had a go on Heart Attack mode with Passing Breeze playing. I haven't played this game in a good long time so I didn't make it very far and only got 1 set of triple A hearts. Although being so out of practice made things very slippery, it was still a fun experience!

I'll have to practise at home on Out Run 2006, which came out 10 years ago. The arcade sure took their time!

Sunday 22 May 2016


Dear Readers,

I'm gonna talk about a visual novel today for the first time! I've written about text adventures already and about character interactions in recent Nintendo games like Chibi-Robo! Zip Lash and Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam Bros., so why not write about these? I do love them and want to play them more, so I must blog about them!

Tablets are also a perfect fit for these types of games too. It allows me to read while on a commute! This is what I always loved about games like Last Window, Ace Attorney and Time Hollow for the Nintendo DS. These games tend to be about mystery and suspense though. On PC, the door opens to games that have romance and harem themes, which is what I'm looking for. With tablets, the door opens to playing them while out and about!

This is Trick & Treat by Eternal Night Studios. Its genre description is "Thriller, Mystery and a little romance". This is as good a place to start as any I suppose!

It's very dark. The forest in which the main character and his friends get lost exploring is all greys and blacks. Even their room in which they hang out is very dark. The music is sombre and moody. The font used for the game menu options are in a Gothic style.

The way the text reads is slightly odd but I really believe in the angst of the main character and his friends, as they hang out one night trying to figure out what to do, passing the time by playing video games and surfing the net. There's no excitement for them, no girls to hang out with, but they do learn about stories of people disappearing in the forest online, so they decide to investigate for themselves.

While in the forest, the main character becomes separated from his friends. There's a demonic looking cat that has a terrifying meow and a voice calling out to him. Also, the footstep sounds!

I love the usage of footstep sounds. It finally made me come round to buying a new pair of headphones! This time, I bought over-ear ones so that I could become more immersed in the atmosphere of these games.

I got four endings so far. My first was "Forgotten adventure". I got a little bored of the argumentative banter between the main character and Ashley, but there were some absolutely lovely tender moments such as the story about Ashley making her deal with the cat. Stuff like that just made me smile from ear to ear!

The second ending I got was "Unknown aggressor". WOW this got very creepy. That voice that called out to the main character, the disturbing cabin in the woods and what he found inside... it's Blair Witch levels of disturbing.

The third ending I got was "Surviving the cat's attack". Similar to one of the other endings, but without any of the other plot development. It just gave me the urge to jump back in and get more endings!

The fourth ending I got was "an eye for an eye". Oog... I really didn't want to take this path because its option was so grisly sounding. Visual novels often have an option for a very unpleasant path that you don't want to take, but you have to in order to see if it can lead to more endings and other options. These can be emotionally challenging to see through to the end.

So that's it so far! At a glance there are 3 other endings to get marked "Bloqueado". This game was translated from its original Spanish. Not sure how I'll get them yet but I'm looking forward to it!

I'm looking forward to meeting the cute looking blonde girl Lilian too. Ashley herself is very cute but can be a bit haughty for my liking. That cat is really cool; I like its weird powers.

I like the "Fin" shown in normal and bloody text, depending on which ending you get.

Saturday 21 May 2016


Course ID: 4437-0000-000F-99FE

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about this course by IGA. I'm not sure but is this Koji Igarashi, the famed Castlevania producer? I'd be willing to believe it is!

This level is a recreation of the first level in NES Castlevania, using SMB1's Ghost House and Underground. The candles are now ? blocks and enemies like Mermen are now jumping Cheep-Cheeps! It's very cute and clever. I love the user comments on the dead end path on the top. I suppose Bowser Jr. in the clown copter car thingy is supposed to be the big bat at the end of the first stage. Anyway, nice idea for the first stage!

Friday 20 May 2016


Dear Readers,

Our beloved forum was going through some service trouble, so we missed out on a couple of days where we'd normally have sessions, but tonight we continued to explore!

At this stage, Joe was EL 279 White Mage, Nova was EL 166 Samurai and I was EL 113 Monk. I had my 3DS charger in all this time.

Quest 1: "Ultimate Otherworld Weapon alpha"

I had to do a system update before I could play online with the others, so they started the first quest without me. I just hung out in Libertas for a while.

Quest 2: "Eidolon Ambush beta"

Big one to start with! Defeat four eidolons. I still wanted to go after Alexander to get the one last item I needed. I set our airship spawn at Maxon by accident though. I kept getting mixed up with Fenrir's lair and Alexander's. We went after Fenrir first. Joe wanted to encase all of them but we didn't manage to encase him. Afterwards we all used teleport stones to go back to Maxon.

We went across the swamp to Alexander's lair and defeated him very quickly. Didn't get the item drop this time either though...

I made the mistake of using a teleport stone, so I went all the way back to Maxon! The others went to take on Ramuh and they were already fighting him while I was making the extra long trek to catch up! Whoops! Joe reckons this game needs Chocobo mounts. Sounds like a good idea. A Zoom spell like in Dragon Quest would be nice too.

After Ramuh, we went after Diabolos and I encased him.

Quest 3: "Strong-Armed Shoot"

Very tough quest with triple strength enemies and no items allowed. Knuckle weapons only. We tried it and got pummelled by the aberrant Ifrit. I vowed to come back when I got stronger Knuckle weapons.

Joe showed us the Final Fantasy Explorers desktop he made. It was awesome! It has an inset screenshot of all three of us standing together on top of the game's world map artwork. Really nice :)

Quest 4: "Gilgamesh Strikes Back"

Hadn't fought this guy in a while! This time he had this insane move where he twirls and slashes and whittled my health very quickly. I got KO'd a couple of times to him. I had to leave the arena at one point and regain stamina.

Quest 5: "Her Majesty's Scorn"

Facing Shiva. We hadn't fought her in a while and it was fun.

Quest 6: "Ultimate Otherworld Weapon omega"

Hadn't fought this machine in a while either and it was just as tough as the other times! We managed it well though :)

We called it a night after that. I know there's another Alexander quest to unlock soon and I want to get that rare drop from him! SOON...!

Thursday 19 May 2016


Dear Readers,

Today I'll relay more about my session with this game, focusing on the energy point economy, as that really affects gameplay and how long your session can last, as far as playing stages is concerned.

First though, I was met with a Daily Bonus wheel spin. If I play every day I get these bonuses. There seems to be one if you play every day for 30 days. Day 30 has Papa Smurf in a cage, so I suppose that's how he is rescued.

At the start of this new session, I had my full 31 energy points. I picked a flying key level at Stage 20. Flying key levels cost coins, but not energy points.

I went on to stage 26, which cost 5 energy points. After the level I levelled up to 13, which replenished 10 energy points and increased max energy points by 1.

Remaining energy points: 32.

I decided to go back to stage 16 and try to rescue the 1 Smurf I missed. It cost 5 energy points to play. I assume I got one point back for waiting a few minutes

Remaining energy points: 28

He fell behind so I retried at a cost of another 5 energy points. I saved him this time.
Got 2 energy points for time passing..

Remaining energy points: 25

I earned 5 energy points by finding a shining spot on the map.

Remaining energy points: 30

Stage 17 to rescue 1 Smurf I left behind. Cost: 5 energy points.

Remaining energy points: 26

Stage 18 to rescue another Smurf I left behind. Cost: 5 energy points.
Got 3 energy points for time passing
Got 5 energy points for finding shining spot on map

Remaining energy points: 29

Cost 5 energy points to play stage 22 to rescue 1 last Smurf and collect 200 coins. Failed both.
Cost 5 energy points for retry. Hit by an enemy.
Cost 5 energy points for retry. Succeeded both!
Got 3 energy points for time passing.

Remaining energy points: 17

Cost 5 energy points to play stage 25 to rescue 1 last Smurf. Succeeded.
Got 2 energy points for time passing.

Remaining energy points: 14

Cost 5 energy points to play stage 26 and rescue 1 last Smurf.
Got 10 energy points and 1 maximum energy point increase for levelling up to 14.
Got 2 energy points for time passing.

Remaining energy points: 21

Cost 5 energy points to play stage 27. Hit by an enemy.
Cost 5 energy points for retry. Hit by spikes.
Cost 5 energy points for retry. Missed 2 Smurfs
Cost 5 energy points for retry. Succeeded.
Got 5 energy points for finding shining spot on map.
Got 4 energy points for time passing.

Remaining energy points: 10

Cost 5 energy points to play stage 28. Missed 3 Smurfs.
Cost 5 energy points to retry. Hit by spikes.
Got 4 energy points for time passing.

Remaining energy points: 4

Not enough to play another 5 point stage. I could've let time pass but I was out of other scrounging options and there were no other shining spots on the map, so I decided to call it a session. Just a taste of the energy points economy in action!

Wednesday 18 May 2016


Course ID: 03BC-0000-00AE-07FA

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about this course made by my friend Kevin. It's a straightforward Ground NSMBU stage and it's made up mainly of tall Piranha Plants and springs. Bouncy Garden is a good name for it! It has a nice gentle challenge that needs some careful treading. The spin jump comes in handy for bouncing on the Piranha Plants and the springs can be moved around too.

Tuesday 17 May 2016


Dear Readers,

For one of my first Free-To-Play experiences on the Android, I thought I'd have a go at Ubisoft's Smurfs Epic Run, a 2D endless runner style game.

It's got the very attractive and iconic Smurf designs of the comics, rather than the realistic Gollum-like designs of the CG movies. It's even got more obscure characters like the other female Smurf Sassette and the black Smurf. As a fan I might as well enjoy myself! I'll try and relay the experience of the game's levels, world and economy here.

Before I start though, I'd like to review the other option I have, and that is to turn the ads off. It costs 99 cents to do this.

On the loading screens, Brainy Smurf gives tips and there's a hashtag #SmurfsRun in the corner. Having a look on Twitter, I can see the experience of other people who have already played the dozens of randomised levels there on offer in the game.

The app takes about half a minute to load. The introductory cut scene shows how Gargamel conjures up this fog that seems to put the Smurfs in cages. This is why they're running endlessly.

At the stage complete screen, you have a ranking option that involves Facebook. It invites you to compete with your friends and earn free energy.

Energy is something you use whenever you start a stage. Here early on, you can retry the stage at a cost of 2 units of energy. On completing a stage, you're scored out of three stars. One is for completing the stage, one is for rescuing all the Smurfs in the stage and the last one is for collecting a minimum specified number of coins in the stage. For each star you get, you get experience points. Filling up this gauge allows you to level up. When you level up, you unlock options to buy stuff.

On stage 2, I rescued a "Legendary Smurf". These are Smurfs you can then pay coins to play as your endless running Smurf in the levels. Up until now I had been playing as a plain Smurf. I unlocked "Poet Smurf". I paid 50 coins to be able to play as him. At a glance I can see Smurfette in the list of Smurfs to play as. I'll have to complete stage 59 to unlock her, or pay 450 gems instead. Anyway, Poet Smurf has a slight glide ability and Smurfette is supposed to be the best at this.

On stage 3, I levelled up to level 2, which is rewarded by giving me 5 energy points and increasing my maximum energy points by 1.

Papa Smurf then told me about side challenges. When I fulfill them, I can claim the rewards offered for them. Three of these challenges are shown in rotation at once, one of which has a time limit.

I spent 3 energy points to play stage 4, which introduces danger signs and points to a detour. If I take the risk, I have a chance to earn more coins as a reward. I levelled up again to 2.

I spent 3 energy points to play stage 5. I rescued the "Doctor Smurf".

Another new feature showed up, "Special Offers!". Here I can pay for features with real world money. Some have a time limit of 3 days. The prices have a "Was so much, now this much!" style tag on them. For example, one was EUR10 and now it's EUR2.99.

I spent 4 energy points to play stage 6, so the energy price inflates the further you go. I levelled up to 4. At this level I unlocked a ring for purchase. This first ring extends the magnet potion by a couple of seconds.

Papa Smurf told me about companions, which are fairies that help me out if I open a magical chest. This first magical chest was free to open, but if I want more I have to pay coins or gems. This first fairy occasionally throws me a few coins during the run. Other fairies are determined by chance when I pay to open a chest. The Wheel of Chance was unlocked now too, which lets me try my luck 3 times per day. It costs 350 coins per spin.

I was prompted to turn on notifications, about new events, challenges or when my energy is full. I decided not to.

On stage 8, I got a special spring that bounced me up into the clouds like in a Mario game's coin heaven. There's a big sign here that says "Fiesta Time!". It also had some words spelled out in coins, nice words like "LOVE" and "KISS" and "COOL" and the names of some characters. I levelled up again to 5. At this level I unlocked equipment, this time a magnifying glass. I unlocked Farmer Smurf this time too.

Farmer Smurf has a sarsaparilla farm where the rescued Smurfs harvest leaves for me. I can trade sarsaparilla leaves for exclusive rewards. The farm here displays the hourly income of leaves gathered. This increases with more Smurfs rescued. There's also an option to increase storage.

Now there's a Weekly Tournament option for more prizes, but this also involves Facebook.

On stage 9, I got hurt and the option to revive and use an invincible golden king Smurf came up. It was the first time so I had to use it for the tutorial. It eats up gems, so I think I'll save on them in future.
After this, I was prompted to rate the game. I decided not to. For the record, I think the action gameplay is fun! The game's economy can be draining though.

I went back to stage 6 because there was a flying key there. It cost 350 coins to play. The stage was dark as a hazard.

Stage 10 I played as Flying Smurf, a Smurf with wings. Tapping makes him flap so it's Flappy Smurf now! I levelled up to 6 here.

On Stage 11 I died. When you die and don't continue, you get a picture of a bawling Smurf! Aw! I unlocked Graduate Smurf here.

During stage 12 and other stages I came across sections that needed the dash ability, but I don't have any Smurfs that have that ability yet.

Afterwards, I unlocked the Companions House. Here I'm able to send a companion fairy away for a few minutes to bring stuff back like energy points.

On stage 13 I levelled up to 8. When I got back I got my energy points from the companion fairy. I wanted to send him out again but I had to wait 15 minutes for him to rest.

On stage 15, I met enemies you have to avoid. They can't be jumped on with their spiky green helmets. Levelled up to 9 here. Unlocked Snappy Smurf, a smurf with a yellow shirt that has a lightning cloud on it. He looks like he's shouting not so nice things. He has a double jump ability. I can't afford him yet at 15000 coins.

After stage 16 I finally ran out of energy! The game gave me some options. One was to wait 3 minutes for 1 energy point. Another was to watch an ad for 4 energy points, various other energy refills for gems and lastly, a Facebook prompt for asking friends for energy.

Over the next couple of snowy village levels, I didn't get all the Smurfs and kept running out of energy, so I couldn't play any more stages. I spun the wheel for the amount of times I was allowed to this day.

On stage 19 it was another Flying Smurf stage. I levelled up to 10 here.

Went back to stage 18 and unlocked Hefty Smurf. Finally, someone with a dash ability! He's too expensive for me right now though at 18000 coins.

On stage 21 I was too absorbed in trying to pass the "Glide for 30 seconds" challenge to win 10 energy points that I glided into a spike, making me lose energy points too! Argh! Risked and unrewarded! After this I levelled up to 11.

I'm bored of winning the joker cards. They're only involved in Facebook so they're not of any use to me.

I tapped on the purple portal and this Epic Adventure thing came up, but I needed at least 6 Smurfs for it. I'm not sure what it is, but it seems to involve Gargamel.

On stage 22 I came across obstacles that come together just when you have to jump. It's kind of like when you try to shoot a Space Invader and hope it moves into the spot where you aimed.

After this I saw my first blue chest. It's blue because it needs Facebook to open it. There's also a red portal to Bonus Zone 1, but I needed four more stars to unlock it or spend 30 gems.

On stage 24, another Flying Smurf stage, it was a bit tougher than the other ones. I had to use two fingers tapping to stand a chance in it! I levelled up to 12 here.

I got into Bonus Zone 1 finally, but entry to a level costs 7 energy points. The first one was an awesome looking silhouette stage! Kind of like the loading screens in Rayman Origins. It does look awesome, but it's still very hard!

Energy scarcity is a problem now. I can buy unlimited energy for 1600 gems. Hmm... I can buy 1700 gems for EUR49.99. There's a solution I suppose! Otherwise it's all struggling with in-game budgeting and scrounging for gems, coins, energy points etc. That's the life of a free-to-player!

I think I'll stop with this game for now. Still got a good run out of it. Nice lengthy session.

Monday 16 May 2016


Dear Readers,

The other day I bought an Android tablet! I never owned one or a smartphone before. I'm still getting used to it and I'm dying to try out a few things with it. One of these things is to play a platformer with touch controls.

I'm not sure if I could find a better example than this because this game's really good! It's like a cross between New Super Mario Bros with its level design and ideas and Donkey Kong Country with its solid jump and run platforming. The roll is a good move to do and you also do this when you double jump. I found that you can defeat enemies like this Sonic style and it feels pretty good to do. There are four buttons: LEFT, RIGHT, B for attack, and A for jump.

I played a good bit of this. At a glance there seems to be 4 worlds with 8 levels each. Each level has 3 four leafed clovers to collect and time attack goals for gold crowns. Online rankings too.

I feel this is a good one to start my Android experience with and experience all the advantages and disadvantages it has to offer over proper video game consoles and handhelds.

Between some levels, an advert for another game takes over the screen and plays, so that's definitely something I'll have to get used to with smartphone/tablet gaming. This game didn't cost me any money, but I reckon I'm gonna come across games in future that will have advertising and other stuff like paid DLC, even if they're paid apps.

Apps are service oriented, so someday the service will end and I may not have access to the game anymore. That's another reality I must keep in mind.

Another reality I must keep in mind is that Android is not a game console — it's a Smartphone/Tablet PC operating system. I should expect issues that are normally characteristic of PC usage. Things shouldn't be too bad as long as I keep these in mind!

Sunday 15 May 2016


Dear Readers,

Today, for the first time I'll talk about an Event Course. This one's about Ice Climber. In the list, this entry has some nice retro artwork where Nana is about to club a seal, while the polar bear looks on in horror. I wonder if CensordGaming on YouTube knows about this!

Anyway, I like the idea of the Ice Climbers being in Super Mario Maker because they're platforming characters and they have a similar jumping sound effect. Their game was even released before Super Mario Bros. was.

So yeah, this level starts with a little introduction to the Ice Climber costume. The jumping sound effect is there and it makes it clear that the Ice Climbers are all about breaking the blocks above. It just makes me go "Yup! This is what they're all about alright!". Lots of blocks to break and coin blocks to punch too.

It's kind of strange but I do feel a bit like I'm playing Ice Climber, only not with such a vertical jump. The next couple of sections have those mountain block breaking designs that you'd find in Ice Climber. It's a nice tribute! It plays the condor grab music when you finish too, so that's pretty nice!

Saturday 14 May 2016

5 Super Mario Maker - The circle of Boo. by Mongoose

Course ID: 83A1-0000-0049-7F85

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about this course made by my friend Mongoose. It was a short level but I liked it and came back to it after finishing! It's a ghost house level and the main enemies are the Boo Buddies. You have to move carefully between the circles and it reminds me of that old game Downfall. After I finished I came back to explore where all the doors went to because my curiosity wanted me to come back. I like that kind of thing. Found the hidden Buzzy Beetle shell too!

Friday 13 May 2016

4 Super Mario Maker - Horseshoes and Handgrenades by Joseph

Course ID: 20D7-0000-0076-E27A

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about this level made by my friend Joe. Challenging enough level where you have to be aware of the Bullet Bills and Mole Wrenchers all the time. At first I thought the pink platforms could be used for wall jumps but no, you just go through them. Some narrow passages too. I like the way the coins make a guiding path for the player. Be careful of all the Magikoopas at the end too.

Thursday 12 May 2016

1 A Dungeon Romp - Getting Past the Guards

ZX Spectrum Vega game #0010

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about this text adventure by Karl Bunyan.

You play as a guy named Bernard and find yourself outside a door with two guards in front of it. Now I had to imagine how I could do anything here.

I examined all around me and all I could think of doing is having to do something with a tune and the blowpipe and the penknife. I didn't know how to progress further than here. There is a walkthrough I used to help connect all this together and pass through into the dungeon. After so much trial and error I decided to stop here. It was exhausting.

Wednesday 11 May 2016

3 Super Mario Maker - 1-1 First Try By Mop it up

Course ID: F315-0000-013F-2775

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about this course by one of my American friends. It's a very regular, athletic, no nonsense Super Mario Bros level that feels right at home with the NES original! Each Goomba, Koopa Troopa, block and coin seem important and like they have a kind of weight to them. This is in comparison to say, an example of a stage that would be cluttered with enemies and objects. I fell down holes a few times but they're not difficult to avoid, so I never felt like it wasn't my own fault.

Tuesday 10 May 2016

29 Final Fantasy Explorers - Alexander Night, Gathering Materials For The Deus Ex Machina, Online With Joe And Nova

 Dear Readers,

It's Alexander night! I was looking for some materials, namely the Sacrosanct Network and the Inviolable Panel and both are drops from Alexander. I wanted some to craft the Deus Ex Machina, which is the strongest knuckle weapon for me as a Monk right now.

At this stage Joe was EL272 White Mage, Nova was EL164 Samurai and I was EL111 Monk. They were very kind to go on so many Alexander quests with me!

Quest 1: "Guardian of the Sacred Tree"

The first Alexander quest. I thought we'd start with this one. I didn't know anything about how to get these parts and the notebook just says "Obtained by destroying Alexander components". I followed Joe's advice on attacking Alexander's machine arms until they break, where they might drop a golden orb. The drops I was looking for are supposed to show up as golden orbs.

Joe said this may not be a high enough level of a quest for the drops I was looking for, which are "Rarity 3" in the materials list. Sure enough, there were no drops I wanted.

Also, Joe got disconnected the moment Alexander's attack launched us both into the air! Powerful stuff!

Quest 2: "Sacred Citadel"

I tried choosing a 5 star level Alexander quest this time. Nova joined. No drops once again.

Quest 3: "Lawless Judge"

It's nice that this one takes place just outside the gate of Libertas. We were able to face the aberrant Alexander straight away instead of having to run through twisted hallways of enemies.

This time I managed to get a Sacrosanct Network! Yay! I needed another so I chose the quest again.

Quest 4: "Lawless Judge"

Second go at this! The aberrant form of Alexander is the only way to get a Sacrosanct Network Joe said.. I didn't get any this time though.

Quest 5: "Lawless Judge"

Third time! At least doing three of these filled up my aberrant Alexander subquest quota and this time I got the last Sacrosanct Network I needed! Yay!

Quest 6: "Battle for Holy Ground"

All I needed now was 1 Inviolable Panel, so I chose a different regular Alexander quest for us. Thank you Joe and Nova for being so patient! Got no drop this time and had to plug in the 3DS charger. We faced Fenrir this time too and got triple KO'd at one stage.

Quest 7: "Battle for Holy Ground"

Second try! This time in drops, I got every inviolable thing except for the panel. We got triple KO'd again but it was my fault with the 1,000 Needles surge I did, which backfired on all of us!

Nova reckons this game has a desire sensor and didn't drop the Inviolable Panel because it was what I wanted! A game that does "keep away" with the player huh? How annoying!

Monday 9 May 2016

2 Super Mario Maker - Close Your Eyes For A Surprise By Stuey

Course ID: 12C4-0000-0229-315F

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about this level by the Reverend Stuart Campbell, which he tweeted out.

He seems to like Thwomps bashing blocks! I guess it saves Mario having to do it. Anyway, it's nice not having to bash each and every one in search of the Starman, as the Thwomps do most of the work. The actual Starman bearing blocks are the only ones not to have a Thwomp directly above them. It's good facilitative thinking, which is one of his strengths.

On collecting the Starman, it's a mad dash left, plowing through the Thwomps, before rushing up the steps, past the fire cannons, wrench moles and ball cannons before it runs out. Nice sneaky cannon before the ending card block too.

Sunday 8 May 2016

1 Super Mario Maker - Rush Job By Stuey

Course ID: F03E-0000-0229-2C50

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about a course by one of my favourite game journalists, the Reverend Stuart Campbell! The Thwomps release the Super Mushroom, which helps with getting past Bowser, Hammer Bros and Fire Bars. After this is a nicely arranged Bullet Bill cannon hill. Even for a Rush Job, it's quite easy to make things look pretty and playable in this game.

Saturday 7 May 2016

1 A Bomb Under Parliament - My First Adventuring on the ZX Spectrum Vega

ZX Spectrum Vega game #0008

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about the first adventure game in the ZX Spectrum Vega list. This is the first one I gave a good try and inputting text is incredibly draining using just four buttons. It's still kind of exciting when you can get a reaction or see something new, but when you're trying all possibilities, it's hellish.

I've taken 131 turns and have scored 2 per cent. Not far at all, but I explored what I could. The only area I can explore is this farmland with a dusty path leading from it. There's a cave with a steel door and a field full of hay and a farmer I keep pestering for hints. I actually got a game over at first from trespassing on his land without knocking on his door for permission first.

The farmer told me about some noise that was happening over a hill somewhere. I couldn't really find anything other than a needle and a hammer and I tried using both on the steel door to no avail. Should I stick with it or move on? Hmm... maybe I'll come back to it. I'd at least like to know what having to look around on a farm has to do with the game title anyway.

Friday 6 May 2016

28 Final Fantasy Explorers - Three Rounds With An Aberrant Odin, Online With Mario, Joe and Nova

Dear Readers,

We had plenty of trouble with an aberrant Odin this time! At this point Joe was EL264 Blue Mage, Mario was EL227 Monk, Nova was EL161 Samurai and I was EL109 Monk.

Before Nova joined it was just Joe, Mario and me for a while. Nova didn't have this first quest unlocked yet.

Quest 1: "Sudden-Death Shocker"

The quest with the aberrant Odin. The catch with this one was that there were no revivals allowed. Not fun with his one hit Zantetsuken move! Poor Mario was the first to fall, followed by me. I was doing an ok job of it too until Odin got me with a Zantetsuken in the middle of my Omnislash move! I didn't stand a chance! Joe fought on for a good while but he got disconnected.

After this, Joe switched to White Mage and I changed my Magicite to Leviathan.

Quest 2: "Sudden-Death Shocker"

Second attempt! I fell first this time, followed then by Mario. All we could do was lie on the ground and spectate as Joe danced around Odin, trying to get hits in. It was kind of like a weird livestream. You know when you die in multi-player Minecraft, but don't quit right away? It's exactly like that.

It was a long battle. Unfortunately, he fell too.

After this, I asked the others about this "Nullify Death" trait they were talking about. With this, I won't get a one shot KO from Odin's Zantetsuken! I fused an Alraune atmalith with my Cloud's Attire. This was my first time doing this in the game.

Quest 3: "Sudden-Death Shocker"

Third attempt! Didn't get a KO at all and managed to encase that S.O.B! So satisfying! He tried plenty of Zantetsukens, but I was able to counter them instead of getting instantly KO'd! I badly needed that "Nullify Death" thing!

Quest 4: "Twilight of the Gods"

Nova joined us. We went straight for the lower level Odin and made mincemeat out of him. We were still impassioned after having so much trouble with his aberrant form I suppose!

Joe wanted to encase Bahamut so we did. At least three of us made an encase move at the same time! I don't know whose was the one that got him, but yeah, triple encase finish!

Quest 5: "Do the Monster Mash—Again!"

We went for this one again. We stuck together so that we could all get the maximum in spoils.

After this, Joe switched to a different 3DS, as the Circle Pad on the one he normally uses was acting up. He was able to do it easily thanks to having a physical copy of the game. That's the second time that having a physical copy has helped us. The first time was me having to switch due to my water damaged 3DS, made much easier thanks to having a physical copy. I wrote about this in an earlier entry. It would've been much more difficult if it was download only for him and impossible for me. Continuing our gameplay uninterrupted was, as Joe says, thanks to the miracle of physical media!

Quest 6: "Defeat the Goblin Gang!"

Mario wanted to do some low level quests to train up or something. I'm not that sure. I was able to one shot the enemies by doing a Counter and nothing else! That means if they touch me, they drop instantly!

Quest 7: "Guidance from Above"

Lowest level Amaterasu. I had to defeat her just once more for a subquest. Hadn't completed any new one of these for a while.

Not a pushover though! When she spins around with her floating rune stone thingies, they can hit you multiple times and do serious damage!

After this, Mario finished up.

Quest 8: "The Ultimate Inferno"

This Ifrit wasn't too tough to defeat. After we beat it, Cid told us about more Ultimate eidolons out there.

They keep popping up like dandelions, those eidolons. They're dandeidolons :)

At this point I had over 100 hours of game time clocked.

Thursday 5 May 2016

1 Super Columns - Head Nor Tail

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk a bit about Super Columns for the SEGA Game Gear. I played a bit of the story mode and I can't make head nor tail of it.

You play competitively against these characters and the cutscenes you advance by pressing START to go on to the next message in the dialogue boxes, which is kinda strange.

I can't get past the first guy with the purple fez and I find the experience to be really jarring! It's classic Columns but my piece often disappears off the screen due to something my opponent does and just when I'm trying to decide on the best place to put it! I'm finding it hard to get used to this!

Also there are these rubbish columns that I get but he never gets any. Why is that? I'll have to look up the game's original instruction manual and develop some kind of strategy.

So far, what I'm doing isn't working. The best way to go seems to be getting chains and clearing more than three blocks at a time. That pushes the opponent's screen upwards to squash them out. Hope I can get used to it. I even have trouble with the fact that I can rotate my pieces in this game horizontally and I'm always forgetting it!

Wednesday 4 May 2016

1 ACE 2088 - Mind Boggling Space Sim

ZX Spectrum Vega game #0019

Dear Readers,

Oh deary me this is gonna take ages to learn. Is this Elite or something? I haven't played that game but it seems like one of these. The first thing that scared me was all the primary and secondary controls on the ZX Spectrum Vega's information screen!

Next was all these options on where to go on the star chart and what planet to go to. Then there's the "Hostile" and "Allied" statuses. I assume I attack the hostile ones to take over them and make them allied?

So I'm flying in the fighter ship, trying to make sense of everything and shoot a few bad guys but mostly see space so I head for the planet. Then it goes into the planet's orbit and I keep trying to find enemies but they end up destroying all of my ships.

Then the music changes in the menus, but I still have access to all these menus, even though I can't do anything. What's going on in this game?! I need to read up on it somewhere. Thankfully, there are more detailed instructions on worldofspectrum.org!

Tuesday 3 May 2016

27 Final Fantasy Explorers - Monster Mashing Online With Joe and Mario

Dear Readers,

At this point Joe was EL255 White Mage, Mario was EL226 Thief and I was EL108.

Quest 1: "Twilight of the Gods"

Mario was getting stuff ready, so Joe and I took this on just by ourselves!

Joe wanted to encase Bahamut and I managed to do it! Yay! I got KO'd many many times during this fight though!

Next was Odin and I only got KO'd once from a Zantetsuken. That's some kind of an improvement! Managed to encase him too.

After this, Cid told me about an especially tough Ifrit — an ultimate Ifrit. Yikes.

Quest 2: "Big Monster Battle"

Mario joined us this time. An unusual gathering of larger monsters in Shiva's normal lair. They're quite fun until they decide to gang up on one person. We beat them all though, we three!

Quest 3: "Do the Monster Mash—Again!"

75 monsters! Wow! This was a nice trek across Amostra, beating up every monster along the way. Some of the crabs are formidable and nearly KO'd me. It took quite a while and I had to plug in my 3DS charger for this too.

Monday 2 May 2016

1 A.T.A.C. - Helicopter Fantasy Zone

ZX Spectrum Vega game #0018

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about this helicopter shmup/stg by Gad Shaw. It's kinda fun and you can fly left and right like in something like Choplifter or Fantasy Zone. You just need to shoot a set amount of enemies and collect bonus items.

I like the way you turn slowly but you can aim immediately in that direction, so gameplay doesn't delay or suffer as a result. A lot of games make that mistake of trying to be real instead of being a game!

I love the second level with its sea backdrop and battleships on the horizon. The third level is cool too with its mountains and trees in the background. The tanks are tricky to manoeuvre around though. This is about as far as I got with my highest score being 9,280 so far.

The bonus stage is a little strange, shoot through a Space Invaders-like barricade to take out the enemies above. It's timed and I'm not sure what the goal is. Just shoot as much as you can?

Sunday 1 May 2016

1 A Stroll In The Bleak Forest - Mystery! Intrigue!

ZX Spectrum Vega game #0015

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about this isometric platformer by Zenobi Software, which is quite similar to A Day in the Life of Arnold.

I'm not sure why I like this game more than the last one. Is it because I get to play as a smiling teddy instead of a phone box? Maybe it's because it feels a bit more agile somehow. It still has the tank controls but the game has a nice bit of exploring intrigue. Maybe I just like the title more, which does sound a bit mysterious. Who is this teddy? What are those flying saucer things and are they out to get him because he's smiling? Are they the ones making everything bleak? Many theories can be had here.