Thursday 5 May 2016

1 Super Columns - Head Nor Tail

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk a bit about Super Columns for the SEGA Game Gear. I played a bit of the story mode and I can't make head nor tail of it.

You play competitively against these characters and the cutscenes you advance by pressing START to go on to the next message in the dialogue boxes, which is kinda strange.

I can't get past the first guy with the purple fez and I find the experience to be really jarring! It's classic Columns but my piece often disappears off the screen due to something my opponent does and just when I'm trying to decide on the best place to put it! I'm finding it hard to get used to this!

Also there are these rubbish columns that I get but he never gets any. Why is that? I'll have to look up the game's original instruction manual and develop some kind of strategy.

So far, what I'm doing isn't working. The best way to go seems to be getting chains and clearing more than three blocks at a time. That pushes the opponent's screen upwards to squash them out. Hope I can get used to it. I even have trouble with the fact that I can rotate my pieces in this game horizontally and I'm always forgetting it!

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