Tuesday 17 May 2016


Dear Readers,

For one of my first Free-To-Play experiences on the Android, I thought I'd have a go at Ubisoft's Smurfs Epic Run, a 2D endless runner style game.

It's got the very attractive and iconic Smurf designs of the comics, rather than the realistic Gollum-like designs of the CG movies. It's even got more obscure characters like the other female Smurf Sassette and the black Smurf. As a fan I might as well enjoy myself! I'll try and relay the experience of the game's levels, world and economy here.

Before I start though, I'd like to review the other option I have, and that is to turn the ads off. It costs 99 cents to do this.

On the loading screens, Brainy Smurf gives tips and there's a hashtag #SmurfsRun in the corner. Having a look on Twitter, I can see the experience of other people who have already played the dozens of randomised levels there on offer in the game.

The app takes about half a minute to load. The introductory cut scene shows how Gargamel conjures up this fog that seems to put the Smurfs in cages. This is why they're running endlessly.

At the stage complete screen, you have a ranking option that involves Facebook. It invites you to compete with your friends and earn free energy.

Energy is something you use whenever you start a stage. Here early on, you can retry the stage at a cost of 2 units of energy. On completing a stage, you're scored out of three stars. One is for completing the stage, one is for rescuing all the Smurfs in the stage and the last one is for collecting a minimum specified number of coins in the stage. For each star you get, you get experience points. Filling up this gauge allows you to level up. When you level up, you unlock options to buy stuff.

On stage 2, I rescued a "Legendary Smurf". These are Smurfs you can then pay coins to play as your endless running Smurf in the levels. Up until now I had been playing as a plain Smurf. I unlocked "Poet Smurf". I paid 50 coins to be able to play as him. At a glance I can see Smurfette in the list of Smurfs to play as. I'll have to complete stage 59 to unlock her, or pay 450 gems instead. Anyway, Poet Smurf has a slight glide ability and Smurfette is supposed to be the best at this.

On stage 3, I levelled up to level 2, which is rewarded by giving me 5 energy points and increasing my maximum energy points by 1.

Papa Smurf then told me about side challenges. When I fulfill them, I can claim the rewards offered for them. Three of these challenges are shown in rotation at once, one of which has a time limit.

I spent 3 energy points to play stage 4, which introduces danger signs and points to a detour. If I take the risk, I have a chance to earn more coins as a reward. I levelled up again to 2.

I spent 3 energy points to play stage 5. I rescued the "Doctor Smurf".

Another new feature showed up, "Special Offers!". Here I can pay for features with real world money. Some have a time limit of 3 days. The prices have a "Was so much, now this much!" style tag on them. For example, one was EUR10 and now it's EUR2.99.

I spent 4 energy points to play stage 6, so the energy price inflates the further you go. I levelled up to 4. At this level I unlocked a ring for purchase. This first ring extends the magnet potion by a couple of seconds.

Papa Smurf told me about companions, which are fairies that help me out if I open a magical chest. This first magical chest was free to open, but if I want more I have to pay coins or gems. This first fairy occasionally throws me a few coins during the run. Other fairies are determined by chance when I pay to open a chest. The Wheel of Chance was unlocked now too, which lets me try my luck 3 times per day. It costs 350 coins per spin.

I was prompted to turn on notifications, about new events, challenges or when my energy is full. I decided not to.

On stage 8, I got a special spring that bounced me up into the clouds like in a Mario game's coin heaven. There's a big sign here that says "Fiesta Time!". It also had some words spelled out in coins, nice words like "LOVE" and "KISS" and "COOL" and the names of some characters. I levelled up again to 5. At this level I unlocked equipment, this time a magnifying glass. I unlocked Farmer Smurf this time too.

Farmer Smurf has a sarsaparilla farm where the rescued Smurfs harvest leaves for me. I can trade sarsaparilla leaves for exclusive rewards. The farm here displays the hourly income of leaves gathered. This increases with more Smurfs rescued. There's also an option to increase storage.

Now there's a Weekly Tournament option for more prizes, but this also involves Facebook.

On stage 9, I got hurt and the option to revive and use an invincible golden king Smurf came up. It was the first time so I had to use it for the tutorial. It eats up gems, so I think I'll save on them in future.
After this, I was prompted to rate the game. I decided not to. For the record, I think the action gameplay is fun! The game's economy can be draining though.

I went back to stage 6 because there was a flying key there. It cost 350 coins to play. The stage was dark as a hazard.

Stage 10 I played as Flying Smurf, a Smurf with wings. Tapping makes him flap so it's Flappy Smurf now! I levelled up to 6 here.

On Stage 11 I died. When you die and don't continue, you get a picture of a bawling Smurf! Aw! I unlocked Graduate Smurf here.

During stage 12 and other stages I came across sections that needed the dash ability, but I don't have any Smurfs that have that ability yet.

Afterwards, I unlocked the Companions House. Here I'm able to send a companion fairy away for a few minutes to bring stuff back like energy points.

On stage 13 I levelled up to 8. When I got back I got my energy points from the companion fairy. I wanted to send him out again but I had to wait 15 minutes for him to rest.

On stage 15, I met enemies you have to avoid. They can't be jumped on with their spiky green helmets. Levelled up to 9 here. Unlocked Snappy Smurf, a smurf with a yellow shirt that has a lightning cloud on it. He looks like he's shouting not so nice things. He has a double jump ability. I can't afford him yet at 15000 coins.

After stage 16 I finally ran out of energy! The game gave me some options. One was to wait 3 minutes for 1 energy point. Another was to watch an ad for 4 energy points, various other energy refills for gems and lastly, a Facebook prompt for asking friends for energy.

Over the next couple of snowy village levels, I didn't get all the Smurfs and kept running out of energy, so I couldn't play any more stages. I spun the wheel for the amount of times I was allowed to this day.

On stage 19 it was another Flying Smurf stage. I levelled up to 10 here.

Went back to stage 18 and unlocked Hefty Smurf. Finally, someone with a dash ability! He's too expensive for me right now though at 18000 coins.

On stage 21 I was too absorbed in trying to pass the "Glide for 30 seconds" challenge to win 10 energy points that I glided into a spike, making me lose energy points too! Argh! Risked and unrewarded! After this I levelled up to 11.

I'm bored of winning the joker cards. They're only involved in Facebook so they're not of any use to me.

I tapped on the purple portal and this Epic Adventure thing came up, but I needed at least 6 Smurfs for it. I'm not sure what it is, but it seems to involve Gargamel.

On stage 22 I came across obstacles that come together just when you have to jump. It's kind of like when you try to shoot a Space Invader and hope it moves into the spot where you aimed.

After this I saw my first blue chest. It's blue because it needs Facebook to open it. There's also a red portal to Bonus Zone 1, but I needed four more stars to unlock it or spend 30 gems.

On stage 24, another Flying Smurf stage, it was a bit tougher than the other ones. I had to use two fingers tapping to stand a chance in it! I levelled up to 12 here.

I got into Bonus Zone 1 finally, but entry to a level costs 7 energy points. The first one was an awesome looking silhouette stage! Kind of like the loading screens in Rayman Origins. It does look awesome, but it's still very hard!

Energy scarcity is a problem now. I can buy unlimited energy for 1600 gems. Hmm... I can buy 1700 gems for EUR49.99. There's a solution I suppose! Otherwise it's all struggling with in-game budgeting and scrounging for gems, coins, energy points etc. That's the life of a free-to-player!

I think I'll stop with this game for now. Still got a good run out of it. Nice lengthy session.

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