Friday 20 May 2016


Dear Readers,

Our beloved forum was going through some service trouble, so we missed out on a couple of days where we'd normally have sessions, but tonight we continued to explore!

At this stage, Joe was EL 279 White Mage, Nova was EL 166 Samurai and I was EL 113 Monk. I had my 3DS charger in all this time.

Quest 1: "Ultimate Otherworld Weapon alpha"

I had to do a system update before I could play online with the others, so they started the first quest without me. I just hung out in Libertas for a while.

Quest 2: "Eidolon Ambush beta"

Big one to start with! Defeat four eidolons. I still wanted to go after Alexander to get the one last item I needed. I set our airship spawn at Maxon by accident though. I kept getting mixed up with Fenrir's lair and Alexander's. We went after Fenrir first. Joe wanted to encase all of them but we didn't manage to encase him. Afterwards we all used teleport stones to go back to Maxon.

We went across the swamp to Alexander's lair and defeated him very quickly. Didn't get the item drop this time either though...

I made the mistake of using a teleport stone, so I went all the way back to Maxon! The others went to take on Ramuh and they were already fighting him while I was making the extra long trek to catch up! Whoops! Joe reckons this game needs Chocobo mounts. Sounds like a good idea. A Zoom spell like in Dragon Quest would be nice too.

After Ramuh, we went after Diabolos and I encased him.

Quest 3: "Strong-Armed Shoot"

Very tough quest with triple strength enemies and no items allowed. Knuckle weapons only. We tried it and got pummelled by the aberrant Ifrit. I vowed to come back when I got stronger Knuckle weapons.

Joe showed us the Final Fantasy Explorers desktop he made. It was awesome! It has an inset screenshot of all three of us standing together on top of the game's world map artwork. Really nice :)

Quest 4: "Gilgamesh Strikes Back"

Hadn't fought this guy in a while! This time he had this insane move where he twirls and slashes and whittled my health very quickly. I got KO'd a couple of times to him. I had to leave the arena at one point and regain stamina.

Quest 5: "Her Majesty's Scorn"

Facing Shiva. We hadn't fought her in a while and it was fun.

Quest 6: "Ultimate Otherworld Weapon omega"

Hadn't fought this machine in a while either and it was just as tough as the other times! We managed it well though :)

We called it a night after that. I know there's another Alexander quest to unlock soon and I want to get that rare drop from him! SOON...!

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