Friday 27 May 2016


Dear Readers,

At this stage Joe was EL 281 White Mage and I was EL 114 Monk.

Quest 1: "Blinding Bolt of Judgement"

Ultimate Ramuh. He was pretty tough! We both died quite a bit in this fight but we managed to pull through and encase him.

After this I unlocked the next Alexander quest! Finally! Now was my chance to get the elusive Inviolable Panel!

Quest 2: "Destroy the Sacred Defender"

No luck in getting the item from him this time... I took to Google and looked up any tips for getting him to drop what I wanted.

Quest 3: "Destroy the Sacred Defender"

Second attempt! I read that you can get the drop if you break Alexander's shoulders, so I climbed up the tree to reach them. He was on to me though and did this spin move that KO'd me in one hit! Joe was wondering where the heck I was when he was trying to revive me.

Unfortunately, I didn't get my drop this time either.

Quest 4: "Destroy the Sacred Defender"

Third attempt! Between us, we managed to smash one of Alexander's shoulders this time, though I don't know if that's what got me the drop! In any case, I finally got it! I finally got the Inviolable Panel I needed!

Back in Libertas I had the Deus Ex Machina made for me with the materials I had collected. My fists looked like robot fists now! It also increased my physical attack by 27 points. That should come in handy!

Quest 5: "Tonight's Sublime Main Dish"

Dryad wasn't too difficult. Her spinning vine move was enough to KO me though.

Quest 6: "The Immortal Bird's Legend Ends"

We got on very well here against Phoenix. Ice Affinity helps a lot against it.

Quest 7: "The Ultimate Howl at the Moon"

Fenrir always seems to kick our butts! I ran out of Phoenix Downs so I couldn't revive Joe either. Gah! We did manage to defeat it though. Come back Nova! We need your muscle!

Quest 8: "Fall Not into the Abyss"

This is a tangent, but isn't title case the weirdest thing? Some words are capitalised, but some aren't. The name of this quest for example. "Fall", "Not" and "Abyss" are capitalised, but "into" and "the" aren't. I think I'd rather capitalise every letter, like I've started to do with my blog posts.

Anyway, off we went to fight Diabolos. I spent a lot of the fight running away from his black hole vacuum and instant death moves. At the end, I was able to revive Joe by encasing Diabolos. I love doing that actually, especially when there's a group of people that need to be revived!

So that's it. I finally got my new Knuckle weapons and they are a bit stronger than my previous ones. We missed Nova this time but we'll all band together again sometime soon!

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