Wednesday 25 May 2016


Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about this visual novel developed by Rapapuru and translated by Lv1 Translations. I love harem sitcoms and huge bosoms so this is very well suited to me! It's also an adult oriented one, but I won't get explicit. All the women in this have huge breasts and they're all really beautiful, so I'm not sure if there will be an ending that I won't like!

The music is quite enjoyable. The title screen music makes it sound like an exciting arcade game. The daytime outdoor music has a nice upbeat tune and the panicked and comedic moments have a good tune as well, kind of reminiscent of a funny moment in Mystical Ninja games.

I start as the protagonist Ukyou and his mother Renka on our way to the Milk Shrine. I'm full of fun and energy and she is relaxed and kind and her voice acting reflects this. We're very fond of each other and I suppose she spoils me, but I don't act like a rotten brat.

We arrive at the shrine and meet Rinka, a girl that I knew from my childhood, though she's a teenager now. She has a shy and gentle personality and has very pretty long blue hair and bangs. She has a soft and meek voice.

We also meet Momoka, my aunt. I wasn't sure if I was going to like her at first but she has a great and outgoing personality! She has red hair and a brash, laughing voice. She greets me by hugging my face into her bosom, making it all dark and she continues to tease me throughout the game. My mother joins in too and it's quite fun to see them push my character's buttons!

There are no major inhibitions among the characters about their large breasts, they always play it off with good humour and fun, and that is a lovely thing. A place like the Milk Shrine seems like a good sanctuary of sorts for them to be themselves I suppose.

The only inhibition is with Rinka, whom I meet again by accident in the hot spring, except she's much bigger than before. She had been binding her breasts because she was a little embarrassed by me seeing them. I speak to her with words of kindness and love and it's quite sweet. I love how my character is so sweet natured!

Afterwards, we all go to the dinner table. We also meet the very beautiful and young grandmother Touka, who has long blonde hair and also has the largest breasts. She's the priestess of this temple and has a traditionalist, but kind and gentle personality. Her voice acting reflects this. Momoka teases me by feeding me loads of tomatoes, my least favourite food, and a fun scene plays out at the dinner table. In real life I'm not that fond of tomatoes either and find them really bitter without salt.

Touka had arranged to meet me alone at the altar later on that night. A beautiful scene plays out when she asks me to do something for her. Really beautiful!

I reached this point before saving. No choices came up yet. I am enjoying it a lot though! Everything's nice about this game, even the peach bosom shaped prompt at the end of every fill of the text box.

I had to change language settings on my computer to play this though and that was interesting. Fortunately, the translator was very helpful with this and the visual novel fan community is generally awesome and helpful with this too.

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