Thursday 19 May 2016


Dear Readers,

Today I'll relay more about my session with this game, focusing on the energy point economy, as that really affects gameplay and how long your session can last, as far as playing stages is concerned.

First though, I was met with a Daily Bonus wheel spin. If I play every day I get these bonuses. There seems to be one if you play every day for 30 days. Day 30 has Papa Smurf in a cage, so I suppose that's how he is rescued.

At the start of this new session, I had my full 31 energy points. I picked a flying key level at Stage 20. Flying key levels cost coins, but not energy points.

I went on to stage 26, which cost 5 energy points. After the level I levelled up to 13, which replenished 10 energy points and increased max energy points by 1.

Remaining energy points: 32.

I decided to go back to stage 16 and try to rescue the 1 Smurf I missed. It cost 5 energy points to play. I assume I got one point back for waiting a few minutes

Remaining energy points: 28

He fell behind so I retried at a cost of another 5 energy points. I saved him this time.
Got 2 energy points for time passing..

Remaining energy points: 25

I earned 5 energy points by finding a shining spot on the map.

Remaining energy points: 30

Stage 17 to rescue 1 Smurf I left behind. Cost: 5 energy points.

Remaining energy points: 26

Stage 18 to rescue another Smurf I left behind. Cost: 5 energy points.
Got 3 energy points for time passing
Got 5 energy points for finding shining spot on map

Remaining energy points: 29

Cost 5 energy points to play stage 22 to rescue 1 last Smurf and collect 200 coins. Failed both.
Cost 5 energy points for retry. Hit by an enemy.
Cost 5 energy points for retry. Succeeded both!
Got 3 energy points for time passing.

Remaining energy points: 17

Cost 5 energy points to play stage 25 to rescue 1 last Smurf. Succeeded.
Got 2 energy points for time passing.

Remaining energy points: 14

Cost 5 energy points to play stage 26 and rescue 1 last Smurf.
Got 10 energy points and 1 maximum energy point increase for levelling up to 14.
Got 2 energy points for time passing.

Remaining energy points: 21

Cost 5 energy points to play stage 27. Hit by an enemy.
Cost 5 energy points for retry. Hit by spikes.
Cost 5 energy points for retry. Missed 2 Smurfs
Cost 5 energy points for retry. Succeeded.
Got 5 energy points for finding shining spot on map.
Got 4 energy points for time passing.

Remaining energy points: 10

Cost 5 energy points to play stage 28. Missed 3 Smurfs.
Cost 5 energy points to retry. Hit by spikes.
Got 4 energy points for time passing.

Remaining energy points: 4

Not enough to play another 5 point stage. I could've let time pass but I was out of other scrounging options and there were no other shining spots on the map, so I decided to call it a session. Just a taste of the energy points economy in action!

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