Tuesday 3 May 2016

27 Final Fantasy Explorers - Monster Mashing Online With Joe and Mario

Dear Readers,

At this point Joe was EL255 White Mage, Mario was EL226 Thief and I was EL108.

Quest 1: "Twilight of the Gods"

Mario was getting stuff ready, so Joe and I took this on just by ourselves!

Joe wanted to encase Bahamut and I managed to do it! Yay! I got KO'd many many times during this fight though!

Next was Odin and I only got KO'd once from a Zantetsuken. That's some kind of an improvement! Managed to encase him too.

After this, Cid told me about an especially tough Ifrit — an ultimate Ifrit. Yikes.

Quest 2: "Big Monster Battle"

Mario joined us this time. An unusual gathering of larger monsters in Shiva's normal lair. They're quite fun until they decide to gang up on one person. We beat them all though, we three!

Quest 3: "Do the Monster Mash—Again!"

75 monsters! Wow! This was a nice trek across Amostra, beating up every monster along the way. Some of the crabs are formidable and nearly KO'd me. It took quite a while and I had to plug in my 3DS charger for this too.

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