Thursday 26 May 2016


Dear Readers,

Today I'll go back to this visual novel because I had some questions. About Lilian, about the voice, about the cabin. There were more endings to get too, so I made different choices.

I decided not to trust Ashley when I met her and followed the voice instead. This led me back to the cabin again but the horrific scene from the other ending wasn't here anymore. Instead there was a blonde girl with blue eyes, Lilian!

Lilian turned out to be the voice and was being very romantic and charming towards me. She's very pretty on the outside, but I knew from before that there was something wrong with her on the inside. This opened up the way for more endings.

The fifth ending I got was "The last sacrifice". This is where I gave in to Lilian's charms and paid for it with my life. Ashley came to save the day, but it was too late to save me.

The sixth ending I got was "Ashley the end of the curse". This is where I resisted Lilian. When Ashley came this time, there was hope. A big fight took place on this path and I got kisses from the girls as well. I learned all about Lilian's tragic story too. Eventually I made it back to my friends. We went back to living our boring lives until I met a cat that reminded me so much of Ashley, I decided to adopt her as a pet. It ended sweetly, but it was kind of sad too.

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