Saturday 29 April 2017

1 flash point - sega tetris, but with flash mode like in columns!

Dear Readers,

Flash Point on Mega Drive has a pretty interesting history. According to, it comes from the SEGA Ages collection of Tetris and there is no other known version! It's a shame, because it has a goal oriented take on the typical Tetris gameplay that's reminiscent of Columns in Flash mode.

Flash mode in Columns is where you have to clear specific blocks that are shining that would be buried under a load of other blocks.

In fact, it's even better than Columns in Flash mode, because there are preset pattern obstacles that have a nice design to them. They look both complex and pleasing to the eye. One stage even has the S, E, G, and A letters done in blocks! In Columns, it's usually just a big wall of blocks.

In Flash Point, the flashing blocks are cleared in the usual Tetris way of line clearing, and that's all you need to clear to complete the level. A level can be cleared in seconds or however long it takes to figure out how to get the tetriminoes in place for the lines with the flashing blocks.

I tried the first few stages and it was quite fun! It doesn't feel as aimless as regular marathon/endless Tetris can feel and it's just a nice fresh SEGA take on it. This is also what I like about the Flash mode in Columns.

The music is a lovely joyful carnival-like tune and the backgrounds are nice too. They're not photo realistic — in fact they look a bit like landscapes from Fantasy Zone!

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