Thursday 13 April 2017

27 epic dumpster bear - 3-1 remember alf? he's back! in stamp form!

Dear Readers,

Now for the first stage of Dumpster Desert! 3-1 is called Sahara Sand Bear.

The music in the levels has that sitar plucking and drum beating rhythm that's typical of desert levels and also has some lovely flute in there too.

Some lovely desert scenery with structures like obelisks and some palm trees too. Sky is lovely and blue.

Snakes are very intimidating! They're a bit like piranha plants coming out of their baskets but are like the snapping jaws from Mega Man 3. There are ReDead(from Zelda)-like enemies that throw pickaxes like Hammer Bros so they're quite nasty if they see you. There are big wild cats here too but I'm not sure what they are exactly. They look a bit like lionesses. They move like the wolves from the last world, but are nowhere near as wimpy sounding.

First red salmon coin is up high. Keep climbing across the upper platforms near the start. Follow that guideline for the second one too.

Thankfully, the zombie/mummy things only throw two pickaxes at a time. They're so skinny it takes extra precision stomping skill to defeat them.

After a while, a Sphinx appeared in the background! Nice extra bit of scenery!

I found a secret exit along the way too. There are two platforms with two pairs of snakes coming out the undersides. Go past and jump up on top of them from beyond. The portal is up on the first one, so you have to jump pretty far. It leads to level 3-X.

The third red coin can be seen clearly on a platform over a pit beneath a long upper platform. Not too difficult to collect.

Did pretty badly on the target score... only got 28 points. Audience sound wasn't a happy one! It's a teensy bit trickier because the target itself moves around now. Made it on the second try though! The Miiverse stamp I got for it is of the big wildcat, though it looks a bit strange... a bit like Alf.

Remember Alf? He's back! In stamp form!

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