Tuesday 18 April 2017

1 flicky - beating the default hi score for 124,930 points

Dear Readers,

Arcade oriented games really should have a good high scoring system and rankings. The "ending" could be to reach the top and you could have the staff names as the default table listings too! Everybody wins!

Flicky's default top score is 100,000 points. When you have a cool system like the SEGA Mega Drive, you might wonder why anyone would bother, but when you have a portable Mega Drive, it becomes one of the most played due to its simplicity and ease to get into for a quick go.

I tried a few sessions to beat the high score, my lowest being just 60 points and best being around the 50,000 for the longest time. There's a big risk and reward thing going on with the amount of little yellow chirps you can bank at the EXIT door at a time. Time bonuses are important too in scoring. Knocking the cats out into a tumble is always satisfying too :)

On my path to get 123,930 points, I completed various stages and three or four different kinds of bonus stages. I got a game over when one of those weird little green Iggy enemies hit me on my last life. Must watch out for them as well.

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