Sunday 9 April 2017

3 sonic the hedgehog - why the gamecube controller is the best sega mega drive controller ever

Dear Readers,

I had another go of Sonic 1, but this time it's the GameCube version. I love playing Mega Drive games with a GameCube controller! Here's why.

First of all, the GameCube's analogue stick is just one of the best ever. When I get that uphill slope resistance I tend to press a d-pad too hard in that direction. It's nice to just tilt an analogue stick instead.

Mainly though, it's because of the B, A and X buttons. They're lined up in a similar way to the A, B and C buttons on the Mega Drive controller. It doesn't really matter for Sonic as every button is jump, but it's good for other Mega Drive games. B, A and X are all different sizes too, so there's a nice bit of variety. The big main A button is of course just the loveliest thing for Sonic's boopy spinny jumps.

I didn't play that long a session — just until the Labyrinth Zone. I got two chaos emeralds. Failed plenty of times and got the first one on Marble Zone, second on Spring Yard Zone.

This is my favourite console version of this game too because it's in 60 Hz and almost no other version of it was like that at the time when it came out in Europe.

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