Saturday 15 April 2017

29 epic dumpster bear - obelisk scaffolding

Dear Readers,

Level 3-2 is known as Desert Climb. I may be climbing an obelisk like the one in the distant background, or possibly even its scaffolding

Some of the rising and lowering platforms go at the same time and gives a weird optical illusion effect. Nothing too bad though.

The first red salmon coin is in a top corner to the left of two spiky balls circling around small platforms. I just wall jumped onto the nearest platform to it. Fastest and least stressful way to get the coin!

The second red coin is at the top of the climb. Wall jump to the top of the platform with the two snakes coming down to get this.

Then it's one of those funny drops where Dumpster Bear just flops onto the ground hilariously. :)

I died a few times after the drop so I had to look at myself doing this over and over. At least I got practice with collecting coins on the way down.

The third red coin is on the climb down after the next climb up. Can be collected by wall jumping from the ground underneath and off the platform with the spiky ball.

I got 95 points in the target after bouncing off the bumpers over it a number of times! On my second trip through the level, a bumper knocked me far off into the corner, earning me many boos from the audience. I saw one of those weird lioness things get killed by a spiky ball though, which was cool :)

I made a few more attempts, climbing and falling through the level again to reach the target. On one run I was cornered by a mummy, only to have a moving platform block its pickaxes in the nick of time! Very cool!

After a few tries I finally made it through with the 100 point target score! :)

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