Wednesday 16 August 2017

1 monster hunter stories - trying out the demo

Dear Readers,

This demo was just released recently and it looks quite different to the other Monster Hunter games, so I thought I'd give it a go. No usage limit so that's nice!

I had to delete a couple of other demos to make room for it.

It opens with a very pretty cg cutscene and some nice puns from the cat partner. There's a daring escape, a thriving community, and the main character and his friends running across a hilly landscape. What more could you want? :)

I started the game and this girl named Lilia called out to me and my buddy Cheval. I'm liking the expressive and well-drawn cartoonish faces! Some nice voice acting as well. We're all out wearing weird hoods with stick antlers, looking for eggs.

You can invert the camera controls so that's nice and very important to note :) the font is lovely and big too. The last Monster Hunter game I played was 3 Ultimate and it was okay but not as nice as the font here.

I explored and did some foraging before catching up with Lilia and Cheval. We found some eggs and talked about some weird ritual that "Riders" do to hatch eggs. Lilia asked me to introduce myself to the egg and that's where the character creation comes in.

A Rathalos hatches from the egg and takes an instant liking to me. Lilia calls it Ratha. We headed back to Hakum Village. Dan and Cheval's mother Vlau were pretty upset to learn we had gone out all by ourselves. They took us to see Chief Omna.

A character named Responsible Girl said we shouldn't break the rules. Another named Worrywart Rider asked us to please not make them worry like that again. NPC Mingling!

Chief Omna didn't scold us too badly since we came back safely. He was amazed to see a Rathalos bonding with someone without a special stone.

Just then something attacked. Another big cg cutscene played where purple mist appeared and a big creature called the Nargacuga emerged from it. It caused lots of mayhem, crushed a few houses and poor Cheval lost his mom! Oh no! Our new buddy Ratha helped protect us but he was still a lot smaller than this big creature from the purple. After exchanging a few blows they both disappeared and the scene ends with a "1 year later..." timeskip and a save prompt...

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