Tuesday 29 August 2017

50 final fantasy explorers - more scavenging, online co-op with joseph and nova

Dear Readers,

At this point Joseph was EL339 Paladin, Nova was EL 195 Knight and I was EL 148 Monk.

Quest 1: "He Who Slices All"

Aberrant Odin, 7 star. For some reason I got disconnected before we left on the quest but I reconnected and made it to the airship in time. We went on to defeat Odin :)

I was also on a scavenger hunt for ingredients. I was looking for Verdant Geocrux (x2), Sword Schema (x3), Sunbeam Visage and Lunatic Pendulum (x2).

Quest 2: "The Blade That Illumines The Heavens"

Aberrant Amaterasu, 10 star. She was pretty tough and I got KO'd quite a few times. Picked up a Sunbeam Visage though :)

Quest 3: "Crimson Zantetsuken"

Odin, 5 star. Joseph had to go do something, so Nova and I did this one on our own. We had a Flan Princess for company :) we managed to defeat Odin as well which was nice :)

Quest 4: "Three Wolf Moon"

Aberrant Fenrir, 7 star. I was hoping to get the Lunatic Pendulum but didn't unfortunately. It was a very tough battle as well but we managed it :) thank goodness Joe came back!

Quest 5: "Golden King Of Dragons"

Aberrant Bahamut, 7 star. I was hoping to get a Sword Schema but got a Scythe Schema instead. Ah well.

Quest 6: "There Beyond A Lamenting God"

Amaterasu, 9 star. On the way over there, Nova got KO'd, even though there were no enemies around. I had no idea how this happened. Maybe it was from a status effect? Anyway, Nova came back and we went on to defeat Amaterasu :)

Quest 7: "Destroy The Sacred Defender"

Alexander, 9 star. We did pretty well and encased him too :)

Quest 8: "The Struggle Against The Battle God"

Aberrant Odin, 10 star. Joseph wanted him encased and we managed to do it, so that was nice :)

Nice long session. Nova trained up abilities and I got one of my drops. Not bad :)

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