Wednesday 30 August 2017

32 kirby planet robobot - 5-5 another train level :D

Dear Readers,

5-5 is another train level! Yay! It starts on the roof where I get blown back to the back of the carriage. Better off inside! The music is a metallic futuristic standard Kirby theme.

Some autoscrolling in the next section. Had to keep on my toes. It does that when you switch plains. Bit weird but it was good to use this to my advantage.

The first Code Cube I got by carrying the 3D Laser Bar all the way to the right, then switching plains before going left, then after all the blocks and bomb blocks got cleared, I switched plains again to collect goodies like this first Code Cube.

After defeating Bonkers, I grabbed his hammer and went on, switching plains before heading back to the left. I found a wooden post that revealed a bonus room!

Inside were many more wooden posts in an autoscrolling section. Had to hurry to hammer them all down and collect the second Code Cube.

In the next section with the Robobot Armour, I used it to punch warehouse vehicles, one of which revealed the rare sticker for this level. Afterwards, a switch gave me a Warp Star which took me away from the train and back into the city.

In the last section, I came across this building that rotated when I used the Robobot Armour to turn the crank. There was a bonus room here with some goodies. Another crank made it fall and open up a bridge to the other plain. Back here and just before the end gate was a treasure chest at the top of some platforms that had the third Code Cube. Kinda weird seeing two end of level gates... They both go the same way though :)

Here are the new stickers I collected in this level:

Storo from Kirby Mouse Attack
"Dream Land" from Kirby Planet Robobot
Masked Dedede from Kirby Super Star Ultra - the rare sticker for this level
King Dedede from Kirby 64 The Crystal Shards

The boss and EX 7 stages opened up. Boss next time!

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