Saturday 12 August 2017

44 final fantasy explorers - online co-op with nova and joseph with his new nintendo 2ds xl

Dear Readers,

At this point Joseph was EL 331 White Mage, Nova was EL 187 Samurai and I was EL 140 Monk. Joseph bought the just released New Nintendo 2DS XL after the Circle Pad on his old one broke, so we were back in action!

Quest 1: "Ultimate Otherworld Weapon Alpha"

Mop it up: You sure do hate this thing.
Rocket: sub is 4/5 complete
Rocket: After this I will hate no more
Mop it up: Nah, better keep at it.

I pick this quest yet again! The subquest was taking ages though. 5 is nearly too many times to beat the same boss. After this I finally completed the quota.

Quest 2: "Purging The Sins Of Humankind"

I have a subquest to beat so many instances of aberrant Amaterasu as well. Nova wasn't crazy about facing this boss so they were very kind to go along with it. Joe said his new system was very comfortable so that was good to hear. Good to have him back in action again too :)

Together we beat her and I only got KO'd twice, so that's an improvement for me :)

Quest 3 "Desert Disaster"

I picked this because I haven't finished it yet and I have a subquest for it too. We didn't do too well here... The desert cyclone aberrant Leviathan is deadly with its one hit KOs.

Quest 4 "Mega Monster Mash"

We took a break from all the eidolon hunting to hunt 100 regular monsters instead. I like these quests :) they're fun and there's not enough of them. Not every quest should involve a massive boss monster.

Quest 5 "The Blade That Illumines The Heavens"

Another aberrant Amaterasu quest. Still have the subquest to do as well. We had a disconnect so we had to go back and pick the quest again. We defeated her again and it was much easier this time!

Quest 6 "The Darkness Of Despair"

Aberrant Diabolos put one of his dark crystal things way out of bounds where we couldn't reach. Pretty mean. Manageable battle otherwise! We did pretty well :)

So yeah it's nice that Joseph is back in action with his new handheld. Hope the Circle Pad on this one lasts for a long time :)

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