Monday 7 August 2017

27 kirby planet robobot - 4-7ex groovy dream land 3 bonus music returns!

Dear Readers,

This level starts off nicely with a rendition of Gourmet Race and a Rube Goldberg mechanism with batteries :)

Eventually you'll come to a part with poison clouds being blown around by fans. When you see the bonus door, be patient. Don't go down past it yet and instead go left behind it when you come around.

Bonkers 2.0 can be dealt with easily with the Mike and when you defeat him, it plays the bonus game theme from Kirby's Dream Land 3, which is one of the grooviest and most awesome themes in the series :) the rare sticker in the background can be reached through pipe. I did not want to leave this room in a hurry!

The next section plays a rendition of the theme from Kirby's Adventure when you go into the dark area and have to light it up. Not sure what level it's in. Here, break all the platforms trapping the chests by punching the metal logs with the Robobot Armour into them. First Code Cube is in one of the chests.

In the next windy section, obtain Sword Mode and cut the chains before the wind blows you past it and you'll reach a bonus door. The groovy theme from earlier plays again :) In here, cut the left chain of the platform only to let the metal log roll up into the switch. This'll open the door to the second Code Cube.

The third Code Cube is obtained by hitting the switch before the end.

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