Friday 25 August 2017

5 asterix - round v - ending up in greece

Dear Readers,

We were supposed to go to Rome, but we ended up in Greece! Obelix wondered if we took a wrong turn. We did indeed.

This level wasn't exactly straightforward and it felt pretty weird to progress. I had to climb up to reach a huge locked gate instead of a door this time. After getting the bombs I went underground and back to the catapult that was moving back and forth. With this I was able to bounce upwards onto the roof of the temple. Alternatively I could've just punched down on some crows and bounce up there.

Up on the roof there was another crow flying back and forth that occasionally swooped down, giving me a chance to nab the key off of it. Its pattern was kind of like Pidgit from Super Mario Bros. 2.

After getting the key I went back to the locked gate. Short enough level but with lovely cheery music. There's something anarchic about the level design but it's all good! They don't all have to be too long or follow the exact same protocol!

On the next stage it took place in an urban area. I had to climb to the rooftops to collect the bombs before going down into the sewers. I didn't exactly feel welcome here with all the stones being thrown at me by the weather vanes!

In the sewers I had to use the bombs to make platforms across the dangerous sewage. All the way to the right was the key.

I went back up and continued. The other streets were paved with spikes! I had to use these bubbles to make my way across to the big locked gate. In fact, I made the mistake of coming here before collecting the key below, so I had to go all the way back while avoiding spikes. Yeesh!

The next stage was the most difficult in the game for me. There were so many blocks next to elevators where I had to time my bomb throwing. I got many many game overs here.

If that wasn't bad enough, there was this one extremely narrow part of the passage I just couldn't get past for ages. I eventually came up with a manageable strategy and that was to crouch and slide before jumping across the gap.

After that relief, the level got more interesting with a bright hallway filled with cobwebs and spider enemies. More importantly, it wasn't all cramped like the earlier section was! I was glad to finish it. Now to Round VI :)

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