Tuesday 1 August 2017

21 kirby planet robobot - 4-1 punching giant metal logs

Dear Readers,

Onward to Gigabyte Grounds! Area 4 is set in a desert. The map has various industrial elements associated with deserts such as structures that look like oil rigs, though some look like food blenders! The theme's instrumentation consists of sitar plucking and clanking and echoing metallic sounds, conveying the atmosphere of being all serious and industrial in the scorching heat.

This first level has very dramatic desert level music! The blenders and hazy sunshine in the background look awesome. Overhead powerlines are held up with poles that have spaghetti forks on top of them! That's clever :)

Lots of huge metal rolling logs in this level too. They take up the foreground and background, but are affected by obstacles on either, so keep an eye out when trying to avoid them.

The door to the first Code Cube can be opened up by leaving the battery until you reach the end of that section, then travelling to the foreground and using the mech suit to clear this path of wooden beams. Don't clear out the ones near Knuckle Joe! You will need those to stand on while carrying the battery!

The second Code Cube is through a bonus door on the section with slopes that has Rocky at the beginning. Search the background thoroughly and you'll find it. Inside, clear the obstacles in the path of the big rolling metal log to open up the way to the second Code Cube. Try not to get in its way!

The rare sticker can be found in the section further on where you travel through a pipe to get into the background. Climb up the steep slope to the left to find it at the top.

The metal log dispenser up ahead has a ladder that goes down to where a mech suit is. You can use this to punch the metal logs in the other direction! Again this feels satisfying after having to avoid the metal logs throughout the whole level! :) keep punching logs and you'll eventually get a chance to clear blocks away from the third Code Cube. End of level is right after.

Here are the new stickers I collected in this stage:

"King" Kanji from Kirby Planet Robobot
Meta Knight Icon from Kirby Planet Robobot - The rare sticker for this stage and a really cool metallic M along with the Master Sword!
"Fountain" Kanji from Kirby Planet Robobot

I now have 97 stickers collected.

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