Saturday 26 August 2017

6 asterix - round vi crossing the mediterranean

Dear Readers,

Instead of turning around when we got to Greece, we continued across the Mediterranean, thinking Rome might've been on the other side!

This first stage was underwater and had loads of obstacles. It also went dark and bright now and again, just like the Ghost Ship level from Super Mario World.

That was until a big pink octopus swallowed me! It was like a big pink cave and I eventually got out. It's all part of the weirdness of this game! Not too long after was the end of the stage. The music here was kind of a serious alarming kind of chime.

The next stage took place on a ship and started just like the airship stages from Super Mario Bros. 3 with me climbing onto the anchor!

The first section had this seagull with a rope hanging from it. I had to hold on to this and not get knocked off. This was pretty difficult and I got many game overs here.

Later on it was all about making platforms on the water pouring into the ship and bouncing on the water spouts across to the end. This was pretty fun :)

The next stage's music was also very serious and urgent. I had to climb fast as these red flames were coming up behind me. After that was a very weird section with a platform that swerved in like, a sine wave pattern and I had to suss it in order to avoid spikes. Took several tries to get used to it.

After this it was on to Round VII, even further away from Rome!

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