Sunday 27 August 2017

7 asterix - round vii lost in egypt like eejits

Dear Readers,

We left Greece meaning to go to Rome, but ended up in Egypt like eejits! "I believe we are lost!" Obelix says.

The first stage's desert had lovely a peach colour in the sky. Cactus enemies as well. The music that played was like a serious pyramid exploration tune.

This was all spoiled by a tornado that whisked me underground!

Below, there were all these Romans juggling fire. They were very annoying to deal with as punching them almost guarantees being hit back. I used bombs on them which was a slow process.

I eventually got out and broke a water reservoir to make a cactus grow. You know, I had to look this up but cacti aren't typically found in Egypt. That was something that was bothering me a little. Oh well!

I took the path left and found some goodies and access to the bonus stage. Afterwards I had to go through the underground again, taking the right path this time to get to the end.

The next stage took place in a pyramid and played another serious tune of a similar theme. There was this one mean enemy that was disguised as an item container. It would come to life and try to eat me like a Mimic!

This level was slightly mazey but not too bad.

The next level's sky was more orange than the first one's lovely peach tint. This colour was lovely too however. Didn't last long as there was another pyramid to explore. Lots of tricky moving platforms and obstacles here. More of the ones that join up and separate as well.

There was one really slow section where I had to activate a really long stretch of blocks one by one. Took ages to get through and I had to do it again a couple of times! Gah!

That nasty Mimic was here next to the key container as well. The key container is the one on the right.

After getting out of this hazardous level, we finally made our way to Round VIII, Rome! Now to rescue Getafix :)

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