Sunday 13 August 2017

45 final fantasy explorers - finishing off 10 star quests, online co-op with joseph and nova

Dear Readers,

At this point Joseph was EL 334 White Mage, Nova was EL 189 Samurai and I was EL 142 Monk.

Quest 1: "Icebrand Slashes Like The Wind"

10 star aberrant Fenrir quest. Very handy as I had a subquest for it and it was also one of my last few incomplete main quests. Joseph had to BRB to take care of his dog so we went ahead to start the fight. He came back just in time! Fenrir had cloned itself and we really needed more help! Together, we finished it and its clones off :)

Quest 2: "Court Mages In Peril"

Versus 2 behemoth kings and 2 dragon zombies! Sounds pretty dangerous. We faced them all at once though, so we were all small enough and quick enough to run around their feet and get lots of hits in. We beat them fairly quickly! This made me wonder: "Are WE the toughies now?"

Quest 3: "Eidolon Ambush Omega"

Beat 6 eidolons. This was the last standard main quest I had left. Very long one as well. We decided to stick together and start with Ifrit. Then we went for Phoenix before warping back to spawn. Then we went to the beach to face Shiva and then Leviathan. Then we continued in this direction to face Dryad and finally Ramuh.

Joseph had to BRB again and came in just in time to help us finish off Ramuh :)

So it was like this:
Ramuh down
Shiva down
Dryad down
Leviathan down
Ifrit down
Phoenix... felled ;)

Quest 4: "Final Therion Encounter"

This unlocked after competing the last quest. We gave it a go but we had absolutely no chance against it and had to forfeit. No way we were ready.

Quest 5: "He Who Slices All"

We decided to take on a more manageable quest. This aberrant Odin wasn't too much trouble. He got pretty dizzy while fighting us!

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